Mac vs PC

My dad's first home/work computer was a Mac Classic, I believe, and we had it for years until it just went *kerplunk*. Then we went to some Apple store, I think, and managed to get another one of the same model, and it STILL RUNS. Granted we don't use it very much, but the fact is, it still has quite a bit of running time under its belt and some important info too (just personal stuff collected over the years, nothing ID theft dangerous :D).

Since then, as my brother has said, we got Windows 95 which still works like a dream (in somebody else's hands as of 1 year ago), and then I am currently typing this reply on our Windows XP. It's a little beat up in terms of running power and software speed, but it's serving our needs!

As I went into college this past fall, I figured I'd better get a reliable computer that didn't run Windows Vista (which, at the time I believe, still had some glitches), so I convinced my mom that I should get a Mac. I eventually got a black MacBook, which was the best of the "cheaper" Macs available (and pretty much RIGHT BEFORE they released their new MacBooks :mad::D).

Since I've received it, and a free iPod Touch with rebate(!), I've reacquainted myself with the Mac system and have enjoyed it thoroughly. It's sort of like trying out how a new action toy works, I guess, lol.

One thing I remember my dad always said when it came to the "Which is better, Mac or PC?" debate, was the Macs can run the Macintosh operating system AND the Windows operating system on the SAME computer. Therefore, although Macs may be more expensive, they are more reliable, and have a more versatile operating ability than PCs. On the flip-side of that, though, PCs are better for ease of use and understanding how it works (until you get into GUI++ code!!! Right? :D)

P.S. Does anyone remember the exclamation of the girl in the first Jurassic Park? "It's a Unix system! I KNOW this system!!!" Don't hear too many people saying that lately, lol.
Well both Windows XP and Vista "still" has glitches ^^ ... My laptop (That I'm writing on now) has XP pro, while my stationary PC, which I use 99% of the time, has both Vista and Linux. Linux rocks because of the simplicity. If I want to edit photos or anything the like though, I use Mac. If I want to play a game (since I'm a geek), I do that on my XP laptop or on my stationary Vista for more advanced games like COD4.

Though my question isn't answered when it comes to students. Why should students have a Mac instead of a PC? ... Why not Linux, for example? Takes less resources and is fine and dandy to use. Atleast when you're taking notes or surfing the web. + Linux doesn't have the aweful Internet Explorer (Which you cannot get rid of completely with a Windows computer!). Of course, Mac doesn't have that either. But Linux is reliable, and it's certainly alot cheaper then a Mac.
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I don't even know what Linux is. It is a type of operating system that is not Windows? Would a person purchase a computer with Linux, and would it have the same applications as a Windows PC?

I use Mac all the time and find it much much easier to operate than my husband's PC. I can find things easier, draw them where I want easer, do photo editing easier ...
Let me start off by saying that I am open minded and hope my words will not be taken wrong. I'm merely stating my opinion as a PC user.

Linux is the spawn of the devil. Apple is an evil empire.

Thanks. I hope that contributes to the free exchange of ideas... :D :D

(just kidding folks)
If computer companies made vehicles:

Windows would make a car with the following characteristics:

1. For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash twice a day.

2. Every time they repainted the lines in the road, you would have to buy a new car.

3. Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason. You would have to pull to the side of the road, close all of the windows, shut off the car, restart it, and reopen the windows before you could continue. For some reason you would simply accept this.

4. Occasionally, executing a maneuver such as a left turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to restart, in which case you would have to reinstall the engine.

5. The oil, water temperature, and alternator warning lights would all be replaced by a single "This Car Has Performed An Illegal Operation" warning light.

6. The airbag system would ask, "Are you sure?" before deploying.

7. Occasionally, for no reason whatsoever, your car would lock you out and refuse to let you in until you simultaneously lifted the door handle, turned the key and grabbed hold of the radio antenna.

8. Every time a new car was introduced car buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car.

9. You'd have to press the "Start" button to turn the engine off.

Apple would make a car with the following characteristics:

1. The car would be powered by the sun.

2. It would be five times easier to drive.

3. It would cost twice as much.

4. It would only run on five percent of the roads.

Linux would make a motorcycle.
Oh, thank you Olorin! This helps me understand the differences!

What I wonder is ... why is PC so popular then?
Well, that kind of presents PC in a bad light, but... PC is popular because (a) Even though Mac is easier to use, PC has better publicity, and (b) many programs don't work with Mac.
It seems there are a lot of makers of PC's, so the prices are much better, too. Only one maker of Mac. But I do find it so much easier ... I can't speak to reliability, because I have not actually used a PC myself in years, and my office gets me a new Mac about every 3 years, thank the Lord. :)
Well Olorin, many of those points you've made are errors that occur when the user doesn't use the software correctly. Errors do occur, though mostly, it's not the PC's fault. The time when I had the most errors was when I didn't upgrade the driver for my graphics card. I've not had a bluescreen on this PC, ever (Now it has to be said this PC is only 10 months), and most errors that I've had are errors I can correct with simple configurations. I think it's good with a computer that sayes "Hey, look at this!" Instead of just letting the spyware in my routers backdoor, saying "Oh, goodie!". To Mac's defence, viruses aren't common on Mac, basicly because people who make the filth mostly aim it on Internet explorer/Microsoft.

And, of course, I like being compatible with alot of programs ^^
Mac is good but it will never be cutting edge. The Mac world is too much of a monopoly. In the PC world there is vigorous competition and low margins. People are looking for the killer card, the killer app.

I don't slam the Mac although I'd never buy one. For those that have them and love them, goody goody for you. The point of life is to be fulfilled and to do good work. If that's how you do it, more power to you.

I get my work done on a PC and I feel fulfilled. Goody goody for me too.