Mafia Game 12

yay for permits! i got mine in November! they are FUN! ;)

and thanks, we'll start with the abercrombie zombies/lemming/preppy clones, running small towns and high schools and work to queens of countries!
*small evil laugh*
i LOVE having diabolical ,evil friends!:D
The sun had just set when IOWW walked out of her house. She had a gun in her hand; she was going to find the mafia. She walked down the steps of her house and walked to the ally, she heard something behind her. It must be the mafia, she thought. She hid in the shadows, the mafia started walking by. She couldn’t believe who they were! She waited till they were gone then started back to her house. She was half way back, when she was found.
GG found her the next morning, IOWW was dead.

IOWW was the Bomb

It is now Day, Vote!
xXx Carmen xXx

sorry,i didn't know who to vote for!

and....eep! the green names of the dead slightly freak me out! lol. i seriousley need to stay away from the zombie games!
Okay this is my first time voting, I completely forgot about this. :p But I'll vote now, and try not to forget again. :D
Let me see, I vote
xXx Carmen xXx
I don't know why, so don't ask me. :p