Mafia: Game 7

Rhyanidd by the time you started pointing fingers at music girl, most of the people alive were either Mafia or their allies, and they were ignoring you on purpose. They knew exactly who the mafia were and wanted them to win.

Fi! That was not my point. My point was, that you, LJAva, said that I would not be able to figure out who the mafia was. But I did! That was my point.

Anyhow, it was a good game.

And I didn't get to enjoy being a Mafia ghost.

But I FINALLY broke my perfect record! No longer must I say I have been only on the losing side! *laughs diabolically*

And I finally get to take credit for framing Gentle Voice! That was my idea, from the beginning! *evil laugh* Oh and thanks to Lady Theresa for helping us frame GV - if I had been the one to vote for her first, Machia would have asked a bout me next, and then the Mafia might not have won. BUT THEY DID!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!