Mafia - Game 8

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Ve vill kill you MORE so that you vill be MORE dead! Muahahahahah Ahahahaha Muahahaha...

Err...*cough* Sorry about zat - I mean that...
Zat...errm...that's-a true, eh? You know, I had-a-not-a-thought-'a-that... You justa keepa reminding me if I forget again, eh? Eh?

So, then... "We will kill-a-you MORE so thata you will-a-be MORE dead...Muahahahaha...":D

*cough* Ad break...oy, mafia buddies, who are you going to kill? :p

And now, back to our show!
*breathes ghostly horror into LJ's sleeping head* You see the ghosts of the dead mafia? We will put GHOSTLY cement shoes onto your feet, and your feet will melt away into ghostliness... You WILL be afraid when you cannot run away... Then we will put a ghostly noose around your neck, detatching your head from your shoulders by a band of ghostly neck...

Ad break...:D
Still not afraid, I do not care if you guys kill me. I have more effects on previous games when I was dead Then I did alive. You cannot silence me. This dream bores me. Flips brain Channel.
Sorry I haven't been on much, people :eek:. This past week was just crazy!!! But I'm glad we found another mafia, I'm just sad that I didn't get to play much of a part in bringing her down...:D
Nope I am saying that me dying now will be an accomplishment, because I have lived twice as long as I have lived during any other game I have been in.
*watches all this with big eyes* I want to die! I want to be a cool ghost who can go through things! I want to die! Puh-lease!?!
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