I played this at a sleepover.....yeah imagine. I bunch of girls, around 15, high on a sugar rush due to Coffe/Cream oreos. So we're all like BUZZZZZZZ!!! When you play it with a group you have a storyteller, and the tell people to wake up, or go to sleep, or who dies, but in between the tell a story, like this one girl.
"The officers were on their nightly patrol, but the had to stop and get their Krispy Kreme donusts first."
"The Mafia makes their first kill, and goes and get's their Krispy Kreme donuts."
She kept on doing that, with a hick accent, it was really comical. I made mine all serious.
"It was a dark and stormy night, a lonely pedestrian was making her way home, then suddenly the Mafia attacks!!"
"Will the doctor save her or not?"
We played doctor instead of angel, and we had no psychic.