Mafia - sign up

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There once was a game called Mafia.
Everyone who played liked taffy-a
The mafia tried to kill everyone
And there was a job called 'the bomb'

Usually the mafia won.
Because their job was the most fun.
But in game 8 the civillians were smart
And they attacked the mafia with a dart...


Angle, Psychic and the Duke
Not all of them are called Luke
But they should be on the good side
And hang the mafia like dustmite

The great hat chose who did what.
And Thomas wasn't allowed to be Duke.
Heres the Updated List:

Olorin the Wise
Elvess Saralina
After Sunset
Oxford girl
Sir Benjamin the Lion
~LJ Ava~
Shizuka Rose
Count me in, but state a note that i'll only play if the game starts later than September first. If not, just start the game, and i'll play next round:D

And RF, our brains are attached, remember:D
I might be able to persuade LoL to, except that she's going to CollEge on August 15th, and I don't know if she'll be able to continue it from there. *shrug*
Lieke? Please you know you want to lead it!:p
I want to!!!! I want it so badly... But nope, can't do:o It does take too much time, which i don't have, and i'm going to be here too late, and you all have to wait for me, and that's not very nice. Lava might want it, though:D
Ok, we'll ask Lava when she gets on...If no one else can do it, then I'll try. But I don't know how much time I'll have...
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