Mara Jade: Emperor's Hand

oxford girl

New member
I'm think of writing a book about Mara Jade. It will star right after the Emperor takes her from her family and will end when she meets Luke. Do you guys think its a good idea
By any chance is this the Emperor's Hand in that alternative timeline fan film on the web? I saw that one and I really admired their spunk in putting together something that good without a large studio to help them.

EveningStar said:
By any chance is this the Emperor's Hand in that alternative timeline fan film on the web? I saw that one and I really admired their spunk in putting together something that good without a large studio to help them.


nope, and I will still be writing my other story
I'm making this hole thing up so I dont know if it will be any good

Mara woke in the middle of the night, she could hear her parents in the other room. Something was going on, some thing big. Mara got up and walked to the living room. She saw her mother, she was crying, there were strange people talking to her father. One of them saw her, Mara tried to hid but it was to late, he was coming towds her.
"Please, let her alone, she's only a child," Mara could hear her father pleading with them. The Mara stopped in front of Mara and got down on his knees. "You have to come with us," he said," if you dont come esally we will kill you parents." Mara's face when deathly white. The man stood up and grabbed Mara's hand." Lets go." He walked to the door, drgging Mara behind him. Mara could hear her mother crying, then after a sharp noise she heard nothing. Tears started streeming down her face, what is going to hapen to me, she thought.
Aravis of Archenland said:
(random question: does this go along sort of with my story?) I feel so bad for mara.

sort of, Mara was taken from her parents when she was really little, she didnt remember her parents at all. Do you like it so far
Mara turned away from her house and looked ahead, they were walking tords a shuttle. When they got there Mara was pushed ruffly inside. There were more people, they were all stairing at her. What's going on, she thought. The one man pointed to a seat aginst the wall. Mara stood still. She was shoved from behind, her head wacked the floor, she slipped into unconsiusnes.