Me, a Duffer?!? II

Google is your friend.

You don't know Aunt Jemima or Newt Gingrich? My goodness, son, pay attention in school. Particularly Corn Syrup 101 and Former Speakers of the House 102.
It was fulfilling turning WS into a Newt. I felt like I had finally succeed at something. Now my life is falling apart. I'm not good at anything. The last time I tried turning my brother into a paperclip, he burst into flame and was reborn as a phoenix egg. And I was alone.

*breaks into sobs*
I believe "alone with a phoenix egg" is in book 2? But the Harry Potter phoenix hatches pretty quickly. My brother spent 8 years, 11 months, and 4 days inside that egg, making irritating scratching noises. It was like fingernails on a chalkboard for almost a decade. *shudders*
I meant the golden egg in HP4, which wasn't a phoenix egg but nevermind, it was something symmetrical to say, and you can always count on me to say something symmetrical.

Why didn't you help your brother get out? Everyone knows that if someone is strong enough to scratch the shell, they're strong enough to live outside of it.