mistakes in the movie


New member
While watching the DVD the other night, I noticed some mistakes in the film . . .

When Prince Caspian rides into the forrest after Lucy and Susan he is riding a bay horse with no facail markings. When he and Susan ride out, they are riding the horse that Peter rode out the castle after the raid.

When everyone is riding into the castle at the end of the movie, Edmund is riding the horse who was "Phillip".

Find anymore, add them to my list!
Cut them a little slack. Phillip was Old Dobbin's understudy, and he got called away unexpectedly to take his wife to the vet... :D
Cut them a little slack. Phillip was Old Dobbin's understudy, and he got called away unexpectedly to take his wife to the vet... :D

I know no one can be perfect, but it's fun to see if you notice things that the editors missed! Heck, if I made a movie, there'd be so many mistakes! XP
I haven't noticed any mistakes, but I haven't been looking for them either. :D I do remember one in the first movie, if it's OK to mention. When Mr. Tumnus is walking Lucy to his house, you see the actor who plays Mr. Tumnus, you see his human footprints instead of a possible computer animated hoof footprints. Sorry I can't think of his name off the top of my head. :D
Lovely Wendie99
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Every movie has its mistakes. I don't remember any in PC. I have to see it again. But in LWW one mistake is that the Lucy's fingerprint patterns on the lampost continually change when she first meets Tumnus. But then again, editors don't really expect people to notice the minor mistakes they make because the people don't care until they've seen the movie so many times that they finally see the glitches.
Every movie has its mistakes. I don't remember any in PC. I have to see it again. But in LWW one mistake is that the Lucy's fingerprint patterns on the lampost continually change when she first meets Tumnus. But then again, editors don't really expect people to notice the minor mistakes they make because the people don't care until they've seen the movie so many times that they finally see the glitches.
Andrew Adamson comments on that scene actually, if you watch the movie with the commentary (LWW).
When the Pevensies first meet Prince Caspain and all the creatures who went to get swords and such run in, Peter Dinklage (Trumpkin) looks over at Trufflehunter and behind the badger is a darwf that looks exactly like Peter Dinklage. Upon zooming in on this dawrf, I couldn't exactly tell if it was Peter or not. That's how close the resemblance is.
Anothe mistake I see in LWW is that in the river scen after the Pevensies come out of the water, you see Lucy's stunt double. Look where Lucy is supposed to be and you will see someone who is plainly not Lucy on the ice raft, or piece, or whatever thing of ice it is on!
Anothe mistake I see in LWW is that in the river scen after the Pevensies come out of the water, you see Lucy's stunt double. Look where Lucy is supposed to be and you will see someone who is plainly not Lucy on the ice raft, or piece, or whatever thing of ice it is on!

I've noticed that! It's crazy, it looks nothing like her!
Anothe mistake I see in LWW is that in the river scen after the Pevensies come out of the water, you see Lucy's stunt double. Look where Lucy is supposed to be and you will see someone who is plainly not Lucy on the ice raft, or piece, or whatever thing of ice it is on!

Her name is Kaylee (or somethign like that).
Georgie said she could tell the difference betwen her and Kaylee in the movie because of her hands. (Kaylee is in the scene where you meet Tumnus. When you see Lucy's feet walking toward the faun)
Anothe mistake I see in LWW is that in the river scen after the Pevensies come out of the water, you see Lucy's stunt double. Look where Lucy is supposed to be and you will see someone who is plainly not Lucy on the ice raft, or piece, or whatever thing of ice it is on!

And that was Goergie, she did that one stunt, although she didn't really like it. (If you watch the extra disks in the deluxe edition, you see a ton of behind the scenes stuff.)
Her name is Kaylee (or somethign like that).
Georgie said she could tell the difference betwen her and Kaylee in the movie because of her hands. (Kaylee is in the scene where you meet Tumnus. When you see Lucy's feet walking toward the faun)
Kaylee looks a lot like Georgie, but in that river scene she looks like someone completely different, like a third person. I have the extended edition, but I haven't watched the special features in a long time.
I haven't noticed any mistakes, but I haven't been looking for them either. :D I do remember one in the first movie, if it's OK to mention. When Mr. Tumnus is walking Lucy to his house, you see the actor who plays Mr. Tumnus, you see his human footprints instead of a possible computer animated hoof footprints. Sorry I can't think of his name off the top of my head. :D
His name is James McAvoy. :D

When the Pevensies first meet Prince Caspain and all the creatures who went to get swords and such run in, Peter Dinklage (Trumpkin) looks over at Trufflehunter and behind the badger is a darwf that looks exactly like Peter Dinklage. Upon zooming in on this dawrf, I couldn't exactly tell if it was Peter or not. That's how close the resemblance is.
I just watched this scene and I don't think they are both Peter Dinklage. If they are, then they must have stuffed his costume a good bit because the dwarf behind trufflehunter is a little more plump than Peter is :p
But they do look really similar!
I hate to be such a drag, but to me most of the film was one big mistake. It barely even resembled the book. Yes, I saw it twice in the theaters, and yes, I now own the 3 DVD set of it (although I haven't watched it as it is a Christmas present to me from my wife). But with scenes added that weren't in the book, huge numbers of scenes that were in the book not there, Peter's character along with Prince Caspian's character nowhere acting like the were in the book. The kiss scene. Give me a break.

Yes it was visually a great piece of film making but it went so far awry of Lewis's story that it was nearly unrecognizable. Sorry for the rant.
Son of Adam, you make good points. But even Douglas Gresham said that PC wasn't really film material. VDT should be much better if the movie makers make it like it should be.
i think that Prince Caspian just as a movie by itself - not even thinking about the book is a really good movie
if you compare it to the book, yes its going to be different but the way C.S Lewis writes is very complex and it would be hard to make it into a movie and still stay true to the book
its a great movie and a great book - but they can't be compared

just what i think... who cares what i think?