mistakes in the movie

With a lot of little mistakes like forgetting to add the cut to Peter's forehead and such, one thing I did noticed that I'm surprised they remembered was the cut on Caspian's hand. When Miraz is on his knees and Caspian is standing holding the sword looking like he's about to kill his uncle you can see where the hag had cut his hand. I don't think I would have noticed it, if it was missing but, I think it's cool that they remembered to add it :cool:
*high fives LLW&B* Reiners rule! I have worked with cutting horses too.

I felt the same way about Twilight. Completly different from the book, not in a good way. I think they did all right with the transition from book to screen for PC. Just as any book to screen transition, coulda been waaaay better.
For continuity errors, if they were going to have Susan's Quiver constantly renew itself they needed to say something about that. Also, on occasions, it looks like Glenstorm changes horse butts. Aslan has some issues with facial shape changing, but that can be chalked up to different angles and the way his expression is.

I think it was a mistake: to have Peter and Caspian be so bratty; a mistake to have the night raid or at least how it ended; a mistake to have the hag use the Witch's knife (zoom in really close to the knife the hag is using to cut Caspian's hand, it is the same); a mistake to denograte Peter; and a mistake to have the Susaspian thing.
I'm gonna cheat on this one: check here for a list of goofs.
*ëvil laughter*

This might be on there, but I noticed something that isn't nessecarily a mistake, but something I just happened to notice on the DVD. When the Pevensies and Trumpkin are looking at the gorge for the first time and Lucy thinks she sees Aslan, a sequence of shots of Lucy is used twice - first there, and then again when they return right before she falls down the hole.
This might be on there, but I noticed something that isn't nessecarily a mistake, but something I just happened to notice on the DVD. When the Pevensies and Trumpkin are looking at the gorge for the first time and Lucy thinks she sees Aslan, a sequence of shots of Lucy is used twice - first there, and then again when they return right before she falls down the hole.

I noticed that too. In the commentary Andrew Adamson mentions something about that, if I remember correctly.
I think it was a mistake: to have Peter and Caspian be so bratty; a mistake to have the night raid or at least how it ended; a mistake to have the hag use the Witch's knife (zoom in really close to the knife the hag is using to cut Caspian's hand, it is the same); a mistake to denograte Peter; and a mistake to have the Susaspian thing.

I think they had to make the night raid like that, because Caspian's army has lost a lot of soldiers (like in the book), but it would get extremely boring if they showed all the battles where that happened... I think it's a really powerful scene.
For continuity errors, if they were going to have Susan's Quiver constantly renew itself...

If you didn't notice in LOTR, Legolas's quiver was always full of arrows(it's Elvish magic!:D)

Another mistake I noticed was that when Caspian cut his leg from the stirrup his horse ran away. The movie makes no mention if Destrier(the horses name) is recovered by the Narnians. Yet later in the movie when Caspian is helping Susan and Lucy on his horse Caspian says "Destrier has always served me well", or something like that. If the horse ran away then how can it be in Aslan's How?(It's the magic of Narnia!:D;))
Actually, what happens with Caspians horse in the movie is that its caught by Glozelle and his men. Used by them to bring Trumpkin back to the castle, then stolen again by Caspian during his escape at the end of the castle raid.
Which explains why its at Aslans How.
In both movies, I find Peter too bratty.He was a wise,kinglike person in the book.But in the movie he was in fights! What's up with that??!

So, your in a crowded London tube station, a couple of big, hulking kids older than you start shoving you and others (on a stairway, dangerous situation) and you quite rightly object.
Since you have spoken up (and there`s no adult in sight) the pair of them decide to `teach you a lesson` and decide to beat you up, what do you do?
If you`re Peter, you fight back.
What precisely is so wrong with that?
Those kids are assuming they are just dealing with another kid like themselves that they can bully, not Peter who`s 15 going on 25 and an ex king who`s NOT going to back down for the sake of a principle.
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what kind of mistakes in the movie?? i just saw adaptions

i was wondering what kind of mistakes are in the prince caspian movie?? i only saw adaptions in the movie and that was about it
"So, your in a crowded London tube station, a couple of big, hulking kids older than you start shoving you and others (on a stairway, dangerous situation) and you quite rightly object."

That's not how it was shown in the movie, Asbel. One of them bumped into Peter without apologizing. That was when Peter decided to make him apologize. Realize that this was not a one-time occurence. Susan even asked him 'what happened this time?' meaning that he has gotten into fights before.

"So, your in a crowded London tube station, a couple of big, hulking kids older than you start shoving you and others (on a stairway, dangerous situation) and you quite rightly object."

That's not how it was shown in the movie, Asbel. One of them bumped into Peter without apologizing. That was when Peter decided to make him apologize. Realize that this was not a one-time occurence. Susan even asked him 'what happened this time?' meaning that he has gotten into fights before.


Like he says he doesnt like being treated like a child as he's High King of Narnia
What we actually see is Susan and Lucy coming on a vicious fight already in progress with Peter engaged with two other guys at least as big as he is (one of them was apparently Williams stunt double). Since its happening at the bottom of a crowded stairway and I have no reason to doubt Peter`s version of events is more or less accurate as far as it goes (" No, he bumped me then they tried to make me apologize!"), I think I`ve come up with a plausable scenario as to the likely causes of the fight.
Where they are, you can`t just ignore them and walk away, there`s no place to go!

I wonder how much contact Susan and Peter actually would have had in the year thats supposed to have passed since the first movie. They are going to different, single sex boarding schools so the only chance they would have had to meet would have been during the Christmas and Easter hollidays and whatever time they`ve had during the summer prior to entering the station.
Most of what she knows could be hearsay from others rather than first hand.
We also gather that she`s probably been having her own problems.
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"Most of what she knows could be hearsay from others rather than first hand."

If it is heresay, it is apparently accurate heresay. A fight is not in itself bad. A string of fights makes one wonder. When you get involved in many fights, you must question how that happens. More than likely, it is you.

I think it was a mistake: to have Peter and Caspian be so bratty; a mistake to have the night raid or at least how it ended; a mistake to have the hag use the Witch's knife (zoom in really close to the knife the hag is using to cut Caspian's hand, it is the same); a mistake to denograte Peter; and a mistake to have the Susaspian thing.

Personally, i quited liked the Susan-Caspian and i guess they had to add it to attract more audience i guess. It added more stuff to the movie. =D
Personally, i quited liked the Susan-Caspian and i guess they had to add it to attract more audience i guess. It added more stuff to the movie. =D

I didn't like the kiss... I thought a minor (and heroine) openly lusting after a man (who's what... 7 years older?) was a bad message to be sending out to kids. Sure, maybe Caspian was supposed to be younger and it wouldn't have been so bad if he were (if you love someone let them know, because you may never get another chance and all that) but he wasn't and didn't come off as such. Kind of made me sick, but on the whole not the worst part of the movie for me.
Please don't type all in caps, it's hard to read.

The C/S thing really bugged me. If there wasn't a story for Caspian other than Susan, it wouldn't bug me so much. However, Lewis had a different way for Caspian to go than with Susan, so it'll be awkward now in VODT.