Mod Q&A Thread II

Protagonist said:
I still can't upload two images in my sig. Why not?

Because the Master of the Forum hath so declared it. And in so declaring, he hath also made illegal many of the great and mighty Siggies of the Days of Yore, for many and fulsome were the images therein, and all did see. But the Master of the Forum did ponder upon this, and decide that too much scrolling down was detrimental to the Good of the Forum, and did declare that such siggies were to be rectified. And upon this day did he also state that signatures may be only 550 pixels wide and 250 pixels high, and thus did many great changes occur to this great and mighty Forum. And hear ye this, for some do not obey, that to exceed the signature rules in size or number doth break the Rules of the Forum, and the penalty for doing so repeatedly is Banishment. And such is the horror of said penalty that to even think upon it brings one to the brink of despair, and to incur it casts one deep into the pit of blackest despondency. For such is the influence of this Forum that 'tis the greatest thing since sliced bread, (and many know how long and tedious was the path thereto), and should ye be Banished therefrom, thou shalt pine and die, even to the depths of thy soul there shall be no remittance. And remember ye all, that thou mayst not exceed the Signature Restrictions, for if thou dost, the penalties shalt thou incur, and of the results thereof I have clearly bespoke myself. Now think ye long upon this. Go forth and sig no more. :D
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BRAVO Olorin The Wise!!! Very Tolkien-esque!

Because I take the image code of the photo, and post it DIRECTLY into my siggy, click preview signature and it will show up.
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May I ask something?

Yes, all members are allowed to ask questions :)

To all Members,

The mods really appriciate the members who have been answering questions for us mods because it allows members to get answers quickly.

I realise that this thread is in the Duffer area, and you like to fool around here. However, this is also a serious Mod Q&A thread, so please do not post in this thread unless you have a question or an answer, to keep clutter in this thread down and to make sure every question is noticed and answered.

Also, I realise that you want to give silly answers, but if a member asks a question, they are expecting a clear and truthful answer. So, if you have a silly answer please actually answer the question effectively and clearly underneath the silly answer. Silly answers aren't banned, but you have to answer the question. That way, the questioning member is not scared away by sarcasm or a really long answer.

Thanks all,

Mod Squad
YES. Bad Earindel!!!! *smacks*

It is, in fact, a "rule" that you are only supposed to have one banner in your siggy. I say "rule" because it seems that nobody pays any attention to it. There is a fairly easy way to get around this, however: simply merge two banners together into one larger image, and viola! You are not breaking the rules. :)
YES. Bad Earindel!!!! *smacks*
Ow!! :p

It is, in fact, a "rule" that you are only supposed to have one banner in your siggy. I say "rule" because it seems that nobody pays any attention to it. There is a fairly easy way to get around this, however: simply merge two banners together into one larger image, and viola! You are not breaking the rules. :)

My deepest Apologies! I will fix it immediately....before I get smacked again!:p
YES. Bad Earindel!!!! *smacks*

It is, in fact, a "rule" that you are only supposed to have one banner in your siggy. I say "rule" because it seems that nobody pays any attention to it. There is a fairly easy way to get around this, however: simply merge two banners together into one larger image, and viola! You are not breaking the rules. :)

We don't mind two banners in your sig merged together, as long as its below the 550px and 250px limit
YES. Bad Earindel!!!! *smacks*

It is, in fact, a "rule" that you are only supposed to have one banner in your siggy. I say "rule" because it seems that nobody pays any attention to it. There is a fairly easy way to get around this, however: simply merge two banners together into one larger image, and viola! You are not breaking the rules. :)

as one who has twice gotten in trouble by mods for the "rule" we are only allowed to have one banner: 250X500:rolleyes: