
I'm right-handed. :) sometimes I wish I was a lefty. ;) lol your stuff is actualy very good for your age. i didn't start drawing realism until i was 15.

it's actually kinda sucky some times to be a lefty. i mean, when i write or sketch with charcoal or ink, it smears all over my hand and the paper unless i'm really careful.
but there's good's kinda hard to copy during a test from a lefty. bwahaha.

:eek: I think you both draw as good as my cousin! yesh there are so many great drawers on these forums that I wonder why I even bother to post any of my own drawings since they so pale in comparison.

yeah Mewsie, your drawings are awesome!
don't be shy *cough cough look whose talking*, my drawings are pretty amateur next to yours.
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Yeah Mewsie,your drawings are AWESOME!!!!
Don't be shy*cough cough look whose talking*,my drawings are pretty amateur next to yours.

no, MY drawings are pretty amateur compared to YOURS.... and everybody else's if you ask me. The only thing I'm good at drawing is maps, I'm not to grand even there.

But back on topic since this here ain't a drawing thread: More? Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaseeeeeeeee????:D
lol you're not being annoying. I just have way too many stories started. And this one is on the back burner because I don't have it planned out yet, so no ideas are popping up. On the other hand, I'm working on chapter 14 of my Ouran story. XD I might be able to finish that one completely this year. :D I have the whole story planned out, ending and all. Just gotta write it. lol!
Ouran? Whassat? :confused:
Anyway - I wish I could help with the plot on this story, but I'm not too good at that. Not to mention my ideas probably need a lot of straightening and polishing and what-not.
So thumbs down for me.
But I'll keep my fingers crossed for this story, and all your other ones too! And I'll keep reading-and waiting for updates.
Speaking of which...I gotta update my story too! CRAP! *disappears*
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lol Ouran High School Host Club is an anime/manga series. It's really funny. Most of the episodes are on YouTube. I highly recommend it. ;)