Most Post Game III

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well a cardigan and a swetter are differnt actually, it would be a jumper and a sweater. and yeh we say ladybird.

We also say things like, rubber(i know what it means there), lift, holiday, snog, ect

and do you mean dessert as in hot sandy place, if you do then no way Enlgand is one of the rainiest places in the world i think and no way is it warm enought to have a dessert cas were right near the north poll.

If you mean dessert as in pudding(we call it that<) then we do have pudding sometimes... :D:D

Smore just aint eaten hear...

your so lucky.
I live in the desert and it stinks.
*Also shudders*

Never actually faced one but they are spiders and can kill you correct?

Well they're like flying spiders and they have this poison so if you killed one then say licked your fingers or touched it then ate or something it could kill you, luckily though they cant inject it so its only like inside them so i cant come out unless you squish it.
How original.
*shoves Karate dude off cliff*
*sends Abby into space tied to a spaceship*

(Btw, who made your banner?)
*chews through ropes and flies back*
*throws kevin in the ocean surrounded by sharks*

um, i stole it from another forum:o:rolleyes::p
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