Most Post Thread IV

LOL! I didn't give you reputation yesterday. I'm sorry. :( Someone gave me some that says something along the lines of "*evil laugh* You'll never figure out who this is from!"
It's alright lol. I was just wondering... Yeh thats what I got. So I looked at the post and it's the one that said *Hugs Ash* so I wonderd if it was you lol.
I'm writing a story. :D It's about a girl that loses one of her best friends. Her friend completely ditches her old friends for a spot in the "A crowd". Her father runs off with her favorite teachers wife and she feels like her world is spinning out of control. Until she meets the boy that changes everything for her.

Aaaand, I'm going to be a pirate. Arrr matey!
I have no idea. 100x100 is the only dimensions I know of. That's what you mean, right?

My story is not on TDL. Parts of it won't be appropriate I don't think. It's nothing risque but a really bad thing does happen. I'm going to try to find a forum or website that I can post my writing.
Oooh. on livejornal you can post anything... Seriously... If you do find somewhere to put it can you give me the link? I would love to be able to read it.

Yeh I know they are 100x100 but the programm I want to use to make some only dose the sizes in CM... It's anoying me...
Sorry. I don't know what that would be. :(

I might end up creating a new livejournal just for the purpose of my story. We'll see. :) I promise to let you know. :)