movie chatting

I was there at the beginning, i had a dream....

arh, seeing my dream come true brings a tear to my eye. I'm glad the Skandarnite religion has been embraced.

I had a Dream and Skandar come forth to me.....

~ You are my High Priest, take Rogue as your queen and show the WM fans the way of the Skandarnites, the religion of my graces. Go forth SK21 and populate this world with Skandarnites ~
We shall in time, but we do not rush into battle eagerly, young apprentice. I shall take you and Chloe under my wing and teach you the true meaning of being a Skandarnite.
It is only in the Ways of the Skandarnite can you have true happiness and meaning to your life. If anybody wishes me to give a lecture on being a Skandarnite and its beleifs i shall,

Go search your mind young apprentice, behold the silence of Skandar.
hehehe. thank you soo much for your wise insight, SK21. i will hopefully join you, Rogue, and Chloe sometime in the near future to help you recruit more skandarnite's! hahaha, that would be sooo awesome