My banners and avvies

Miracle On 34th Street!!!How cute!!!!!!!I love that movie!:)

I love that movie too!!!

new banner:
Love the one of the 4 looking at the rock-thing..:p
I guess its from the PC trailer?:D
Oh,and Ellie..
Bevel makes the text look 3-d or vivid.
I make it in gimp by clicking at the top of my banner (the controls).
Script-fu>Decor>Add Bevel>5>OK

Does that help?:)
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That helps some but I still don't know how to make it in photoshop!

Oh and btw Tess has left the site again! :(
I know..:(

Hmm..try searching for a tutorial online..I don't know anything about photoshop,but people say it works somewhat like gimp,so see if you have anything that says "add bevel" anywhere".

Hello. would you be able to make me a banner with pics of aslan walking up to the stone table and another of him dead on the stone table, and one where he comes back to life and write "Just As Aslan Died To Save Edmund, So Christ Died For You"

Try Gondorgirl,or Narnian of Gryffidor.:)
Okay I'll try! :D

OR ME!!! *waves hand as she jumps up and down* :p

Need any help finding one,I'd ask in the tutorials thread.
:eek:I totally forgot you took requests..I'll probably be asking you to make me a Prince Caspian banner in a month or so.:D