My own made banners. If you want some, I can help!

Because it was the 1955 Doc and he just sent the Marty from episode I back to 1985. he saw Marty in the car and he saw how he went back to his future but at the same moment, the second Marty was standing behind him :D
And the great great grandfather of Biff..................
See what happened to him :D
If I am was something marty found a few minutes earlier. He first didn't want to fight but mad dog Tannen threatened to kill Doc. So Marty was smart and put this below his cape :D

I will make a movieclip about the face of mad dog when he hitted him first and his hand was hurting.
Lol You do seriusly love the Back to The Furture movies don´t you Vanessa ;) In my school dthey made fun of that movie in a clip where they made it so that a certain shcool here in town filled with preps (my brother attends it :P) that my school is "against" (it´s a friendly fight) was never found! It was hilarious and now it´ll form now on remind me of you :p
Yes! It was so funny! Marty had to go back to 1885 to save the future Doc. The 1955 Doc told him he would reach a save spot where no indians where and marty left with the delorean and what was the first thing he saw? INDIANS:D He hide his car in a cave and there was a bear :D He screamed and the bear screamed too *ROTFL!!!*
I have a request for a banner maybe a moving one with that flashes between aragorn, superman and King Peter and at the bottom maybe "the shadow will not hold sway." if you would please make it i will give you full credit and I would appreaciate it very much.if you cant its fine im not trying to force this on you just need a banner...