My own made banners. If you want some, I can help!

Hey peter lover I was wonderin gif you could make another banner for me with this pic.
But could you crop out the people on the streats and then put it on a green backgrownd and have text, in green, saying: I am in the Edmund clan, how about you?

so it sorta looks like this one
The Forgiven Traitor said:
ok I just realized the banner that you made me does not have to be resized! I just had too many differant ones so...could you just send me the banner that you made for me befor?
I will make you another banner, as you asked, but I will send you also the original one I made before, just in case....

Peter lover said:
Just take your time and choose the one you like the most, or otherwise I will make you another banner :D
no, you don't have to do that, i know how busy you are making people banners and avatars, and i love the other two, that's just the problem.

but i chose the "haldir should never be forgotten" one, i just have to resize it, because it was too big, but that's almost done :)

thanks ;)
I made my own screencaps today. I have added the whole coronation scene and also the whole scene with the adult Pevensies. I made three new banners.
TheforgivenTraitor, do you have a pic of Eustace from the BBC? I have no pic of him. I can make you a moving avy if you can give me a pic of Eustace.
Cool, Peter Lover! I've been dying for an avater but I don't have the technological knowledge to do one :mad: . So, could you make me one? All the specifications are below.

Colors: Silver, midnight blue, darkish green (but not too dark)
Main pic: A white Andalusian horse
Font: Something pretty, but not fancy. Surprise me.
Words: Shadowfax, lord of all horses

Thanks! If I don't get it for a while, that's fine. I'm patient. :)
I have clicked on every pic on the screen, so I have all pics of the coronation. From when they entered the palace where they were crowned, till the scene where Lucy felt sad because Aslan left. So, Mr and Mrs Beaver with the crowns in their hands are on it, and Tumnus when he places the crowns on their heads and then I captured the pics with the adult Pevensies when they were riding on their horses till they entered the wardrobe.
Orious_The_griffin, I will make you the one you want ;)

I made these ones today from the screencaps:


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i have a bit of a problem with the banner, it's too big for my sig, and i can't resize it :o can you please help me (i've resized it on photobucket, but it doesn't work)

the banner is the Haldir one (Haldir should never be forgotten:) )
Peter lover said:
I have clicked on every pic on the screen, so I have all pics of the coronation. From when they entered the palace where they were crowned, till the scene where Lucy felt sad because Aslan left. So, Mr and Mrs Beaver with the crowns in their hands are on it, and Tumnus when he places the crowns on their heads and then I captured the pics with the adult Pevensies when they were riding on their horses till they entered the wardrobe.
Orious_The_griffin, I will make you the one you want ;)

I made these ones today from the screencaps:



Those are so cool! Aren't you going to put words on the Susan one? Do the same thing you did with the Susan one and do it to Edmund, Lucy, and Peter. Those are awesome though!
lieke said:
i have a bit of a problem with the banner, it's too big for my sig, and i can't resize it :o can you please help me (i've resized it on photobucket, but it doesn't work)

the banner is the Haldir one (Haldir should never be forgotten:) )
Lieke, I will resize it for you. I know which one you mean.