My photography

Oh, I love those to pieces! Not only is the fox design applicable to me, but so is the eagle design--because, when things were tough in my Navy career, I held on to that Scripture in Isaiah 40.

Can you help me to get the Copperfox banner onto my posts?
Sure! All you have to do is save the picture to your computer, upload it to an image website such as and click on the
As for the pasting part, is that done in a section of my control panel?

For that matter, can a reduction be made for my avatar?
Yes, you go to the "Edit Signature" and take out the image you currently have(or at least I think you can only have one image) and then paste in the code for the new one.

As for the avatar, while I have my program up, I'll quickly create a smaller version.

Here's the avatar.
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People think I'm joking when I say that computers are evil, and don't WANT to do their jobs. But AS USUAL with anything graphic, the system has refused to upload your images for me, L-of-L.

Sorry for the double post :eek:
Copperfox, are you wanting that banner in your signature? This might help (this is what I usually do to get a banner in my signature: Just copy this link and go to edit signature. Then it's going to look a lot like you're posting a post. Then where there is all the options at the top like "insert link", "remove link", "insert e-mail link" there is one that says "insert image" (the button looks like a mountain). When you click that another window should pop up and it shows you where to paste the link. After that just save your signature . . . that should help. Sorry if it's confusing, I'm not very good at explaining things :eek:
Pirate Queen, I'm grateful for your attempt to help; but doesn't TinyPic have to _accept_ my picture (that is, L-of-L's picture) before I even CAN put it into a signature edit? And it _refuses_ to upload the picture.
I hate seeing someone having HTML trouble, so I'll try to help. I decided to upload the picture on a different site (photobucket, I reeeeally hope you don't mind LoL :eek:), so that it'll be a different link and hopefully work. Go to your User CP and click on Edit Signature. Take out the writing that's in it, and replace it with the code below. That should work

My thanks to you also, Rache; but now it says the file is too big. Maybe it would work with the smaller picture prepared for my avatar, though. Could you put the avvy picture where you put the siggy picture?
Bother :eek: Since it said it was too big, I downsized it. Now maybe this will work..


If that doesn't work, then here's the avatar. It should work for the signature. If -that- doesn't work, though, I will be stumped.

Well, I'm not sure how to get your signature to work either Copper...

Here's a banner God put into my mind...I was amazed how He put this one together.
Here's the most recent one I made...I wanted to try and communicate God's love for us as best as I could...but I think there is no way that I, or any other artist could ever do it.