My Weird Life

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He stopped infront of the house and went back to human form. "I don't know why I have white fur.."he said then carried her into the house.
He giggled and grabbed his finger


" Aw he playing with you," she told him, she put Jacob in his arms " Here you go my love have fun I'll play with Izzy," she told him.
"Okay honey,"he looked back at Jacob, "Your one of daddy's little guys arn't ya?"he asked him.

Len- She was in one of the rockers, and was now playing with Rile, Eliza had gone back to sleep.

" Sure I tell Misty that they only four days old not two month?," she asked, rocking Izzy.


" No we don't want to freak anyone out," he told her, sitting next to Len.
Len- "Hi Sweetie,"she kissed Loranzo's cheek. "Riley, can you say daddy?"she asked. Riley smiled and looked at Loranzo, ""she said then squealed with joy.
OOC: You can be all ready there if you like with Seth he playing with Len's son :]



" When do you think they well talk?," she asked.


" Good girl now say Mommy," he told her.


" Don't worry Kat they well you'll see," he told her.
"Talk about what?" said Verra, a tall flaxen haired vampire. She was taller than most Vampires, but that didn't make her stance any less elegant than it was.
Lourn- "Well you could try asking them."he said smileing.

Riley- ""she said, then started giggleing.

Len- She kissed Riley's forehead, "Good girl, can you give daddy a kiss?"she asked.

Riley reached for Loranzo, smileing.

" Oh, don't do that Verra I didn't hear you coming in oh, never you been here I guess I for got you where here," he told here, pocking her.


" Do you think they can ?they just for days old most babies don't talk until they are one years old," she told them.

" Hey there can dady have his nose back," he asked, with a chuckle then kiss her on the for head.
Len- "Sweetie, your supposed to kiss him not pinch his nose, silly girl"she said laughing. "We will have to try again later."she added. She heard Eliza moving around in hr crib, Len stood up and picked Eliza up in her other arm, then sat back in the rocking chair again.
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