New member
"Did you like the movie, honey?"Len asked Loranzo, opening her door to the car.
Lourn- "Ready to go, sleepy head?"he asked Kitty.
Lourn- "Ready to go, sleepy head?"he asked Kitty.
He left her up and place her in the car " yes I did not to screay for me," he told her
She nodded " Yes, I'm ready," she told him, with a yawn.
Kitty Laied her head on his lap " Wake me up when we get there," she told him
Shout the door with his foot while he was kissing her.
He laughed " Do you want to hunt with me?," he asked.
She was fast asleep on his lap.
was with her husband on the couch.
He laughed " Ok cool come on lets go," he told her
Kitty was still on his lap.
She opened one eyes " Oh, we are?," she asked " OK I guess this is good night?," she asked, with a frown.
he pick her up " Ok lets go," he told her.
He shooked his head " No they be fine I all ways go hunting at this time," he told her.
Kitty smiled kissed him back " I love you to see you tomorrow at my party," she told him, closing her eyes again.
" All right but we can't stay long the sun is all most up," he told her, jumping to tree to tree.
he laughed " Nice I guess you won this one," he told her, picking her up " Come lets go before the sun comes up you know what happens when it does," he told her, running to his house.