Myspace and facebook are taking over the world!!!

do you have...

  • myspace?

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • facebook?

    Votes: 19 48.7%
  • Both?

    Votes: 15 38.5%

    Votes: 4 10.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Myspace, I think, is downright creepy. Facebook is a lot safer! I have a facebook, and only allow my friends to see my profile, etc., and I only add people I know.
Just like your facebook you can make your myspace account completely private and friends only. You can control who may contact you or not. So yes, there are enough people out there who don't have the right intentions but it's up to you if you make it safe or not. I can't say it too often....MAKE YOUR PROFILE PRIVATE OR FRIENDS ONLY! And disable people to IM you (only friends if you like) and disable people to contact you (friends only again)
Just like your facebook you can make your myspace account completely private and friends only. You can control who may contact you or not. So yes, there are enough people out there who don't have the right intentions but it's up to you if you make it safe or not. I can't say it too often....MAKE YOUR PROFILE PRIVATE OR FRIENDS ONLY! And disable people to IM you (only friends if you like) and disable people to contact you (friends only again)

I agree
plus Tom an old man way
I don't have either a Facebook or a MySpace. I agree with the people who said MySpace is creepy :eek: A lot of scary things have happened because of that site. I want to get a Facebook, because then I could actually SEE the picture that my friends take of me :rolleyes:
I'm not allowed to have a myspace, and I don't mind. I never wanted one. I know they can be safe or dangerous depending on how you use it, but... I'm not trying it anyway. I'll stick with a facebook.
myspace was just criated for people that think they would be a FRIEND of his/her idol... :p cuz' you talk with the 'alleged' famous person but you don't konw if it is REALLY its. :D

my friend (in real life ;)) think she is a close friend of Nick Jonas.. :eek:
It's unbelievable how people tend to believe the celeb they adore/love on facebook is real. Yes, sometimes when you look at a profile and see the details you might think it is the same person but everybody can find details on difference sources like wikipedia or IMDB etc. Especially youngsters think they are the real celebs while they aren't. A real celeb doesn't have time to go on myspace or whatever site the whole time. And if someone is famous and is a bit tired he or she will use another name which of course sounds more logical to me. I never believe those people using the name of a celeb on myspace unless you are 100% certain it is the person in question. At our site hyves people also use the names of celebs but we all know Madonna or Bon Jovi won't have an account on a dutch site! Still people continue to say they are the real ones.

My close friend Garrett told me Eric had a myspace account. I started to laugh because I know about this account. It is fake. The guy who created it made one mistake. Status: Married. Eric Lindros is NOT married. He is a single guy. And believe me....this is a FACT ;)
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*cough* Ryan has a facebook. I'm 98% real because he knows stuff no one else could make up about him. Someone made a fake Keith one and got busted by the guys producer so the fact that Ryan's is still up makes me pretty sure he's the real thing...
It depends on your own behavior. If you allow everybody to view your profile, leave comments, send messages and even IM you the wrong person will show up someday. Especially when you're young. So if you ever start an account make sure your profile is friends only or completely private!
Well all their myspaces I think are just under there name... oh and Keith's also has three songs he's written that can't be found any where else. I've looked.
You should look at Ryan's.
I usually will only add celeb accounts if it's listed on their official website(s). Otherwise, it's usually just a fan-made page (but it should be said on the page\profile that it's purely fan-based and not the real actor.) I don't see why people have to pretend to be celebs. It's stupid.

But I'm going to be deleting my Myspace account pretty soon. It's become way too trashy and it makes my computer slow. And I hate all the ads...FB isn't terribly bad. Although some of the applications are raunchy. One reason I deleted so many people off both accounts was because of 1. I'm not going to be on myspace anymore, 2. I don't ever talk to them and them being my "friend" on a site.....mainly just for show. I deleted a bunch of music artists off my friend list. Besides, most of those people had stabbed me and my parents in the back so...why bother pretending to be friends with anybody if you really aren't? And nobody should have to give a reason to anyone why they delete someone off their friends' list. Unless they're a really good friend, get over it. It's petty and stupid to confront someone over it. :rolleyes:

I think my favorite apps on facebook are Addicted to STar Trek and Visual Bookshelf. I find several books that I want to read by seeing other recommendations and other people's bookshelves. ;)