Narnia Audio Tapes


Darth Rosy
Knight of the Noble Order
I'm posting this because I've just found, and purchased the complete CoN on casette, read by Michael Horden (if any of you younger peeps don't know what a casette is some of us aged ones can tell you!)

I used to have LWW and HHB of thses many years ago and was obsessed by them, they had amazing harp music on them too, and just wondered if anyone else had had the joy of hearing them?
I have rented all of them from my libary once, they are quite fun to listen to, actually the only one the library doesnt have sadly is last battle where did you get them rosymole?
rosymole said:
I'm posting this because I've just found, and purchased the complete CoN on casette, read by Michael Horden (if any of you younger peeps don't know what a casette is some of us aged ones can tell you!)

HEY, HEY, HEY!!! I know what cassette tapes are, I grew up on tapes....and I'm only 27....are you trying to say I'm OLD! :D
Hope96 said:
HEY, HEY, HEY!!! I know what cassette tapes are, I grew up on tapes....and I'm only 27....are you trying to say I'm OLD! :D

Well, she's right you no, i'm 12 and i no what casset tapes are, i'm not old! and neither are you, Hope... lol jk :D
Hey casettes are great. You can do the fun game that every kid did pre-teen where you record songs off the radio on to tape and try to stop it before the DJ starts talking again. It takes alot of skill!!!

Are the tapes easily gottable???
I got them from Ebay at a not too stupid price, although I was willing to cough up if necessary, It's the first time I've seen them so I was super pleased!
Except when they get all snarled up in the insides of the player- argh!
I put the MN on last night and sat there listening so intently for the sound the tape getting tangled up, luckily it didn't!
I've just put LWW on to have some noise in the background while I'm emailing people, it's the most bizarre thing but hen the music started it was I'd taken back to when I was about 5 years old and I'm sitting with a blanket round me listening to the tapes on a rainy Sunday afternoon. I feel quite emotional actually, but it's pretty cool.
No, they were brought out in 1981 (they're as old as me!), one of the best things about them is the music- it's aharp which can do just about anything- dancing, fighting,mysterious etc or just passing the time, it's really beautiful. I wanted to play the harp after I'd heard but the family budget wouldn't stretch to buying one, oh well maybe next year!
Well - if you learn quick enough - my sis has decided she is GOING to have a harpist at her wedding. She aint even got a bf yet so youve got time. I am expecting results tho Rosy...
Excellent, my first gig- paid of course I hope! lol. I've also been debatng learning the violin, but it's, as with many other things, on the great 'to do' list. Still, half the battle is already won- I think i can remember how to read music..:-?
NO! Dont play the violin - anyone who plays it sounds like theyre strangling a cat! Stick to the harp....

Can we pay you in booze!!!!??? :D
waterhogboy said:
NO! Dont play the violin - anyone who plays it sounds like theyre strangling a cat! Stick to the harp....

Can we pay you in booze!!!!??? :D

Let her pick herself! lol I play the flute in the 6th (to be 7th) grade band. We have and oboe that didn't start on the flute! She's really good! :D
I can vouch for the violin. If you like its sound, go for it. Be warned that it is one of the toughest instruments ever created for beginners. Unless you are extremely gifted, the violin has a very long slow learning curve attached to its mastery.
I just recently purchased the unabridged cds set with each book read by a different person...Lynn Redgrave, Patrick Stewart, Kenneth Brannah...etc. They are very good so far. I'm am kind of skipping around though. Since I've read all of the books except The Last Battle I am starting there and thouroughly enjoying it. :)

I also plan on purchasing the unabridged radio theatre version...which I hope will be good.

Unabridged Audio of LWTW read by Michael York

I purchased the LWTW on cassette tape via a few weeks ago. Its read by Michael York. Haven't gotten much of a chance to listen to it, though. I plan to get the Voyage of the Dawn Treader audio tape pretty soon, but probably from overstock.
Hell Queen Liz - nice to see you hear!
Let me know what you think of the Michael yorke version- i feel I should get someother recordings of the CoN- just to broaden my field a bit on escape the constant visions of Michael Horden whenever someone mention them!
rosymole said:
Hell Queen Liz - nice to see you hear!
Let me know what you think of the Michael yorke version- i feel I should get someother recordings of the CoN- just to broaden my field a bit on escape the constant visions of Michael Horden whenever someone mention them!

Well, I think he does pretty good - though as many men are, he's not that great at doing female voices. :p

I listened to the second tape last night when I went to bed, so I fell asleep and can't really give a detailed review.