Narnia Board Games - early 1980s

Spare Oom

New member
I have a "Prince Caspian" board game dating from 1983, quite a simple game in which participants take turns to throw the dice and move round the board, landing on picture cards (which are face down) and obeying the instructions on them. The aim of the game is to get to Susan's magic horn in the middle of the board and be the first to pick up the "Victory" card, which has a picture of Prince Caspian on it. All the various cards in the game relate to the book, eg. Aslan tells you to go on, Nikabrik tells you to go back, there are "battle" cards, and cards featuring talking trees, Reepicheep, Trumpkin, Trufflehunter and Doctor Cornelius. The board itself shows Cair Paravel, islands and a stream (not in great detail). Not a complex game at all - a child of four or five can play it - but fun nevertheless to have a game based on one of the Chronicles of Narnia.

What I wanted to ask was whether anyone else knows of this game, which was produced by the David C. Cook Publishing Company and also says, "Copyright 1983 by the Episcopal Church Radio and Television Foundation Inc." The box mentions two other Narnia games by the same company - "The Lion and the White Witch" and the "Voyage of the Dawn Treader Game." Does anyone have either of those two games? What are they like? Do you enjoy playing them? We often play "Prince Caspian" as a family - it's quite good fun and lasts about 15-20 minutes on average.