Narnia EE book.

Son of Adam

Pastor of Narnia
Knight of the Noble Order
I tried posting this in the other threads on the EE, but I don't think many people read all the posts that go before their own, so I will ask it here.

For those of you who got the EE, did you or did you not get the Narnia Guide book that was supposed to be with it? I did not. According to the description on and Barnes & Nobels, and on the back of the case that the discs came in it shows and mentions a guide book. I'm sure it isn't a large one, but it says there is supposed to be one. I am writing to Disney and Walden and trying to find out the problem and get my copy of it.
I'll post a scan in a bit, just to show what was in that pocket. I know a lot of people didn't get it, which is weird. I'm in Canada and I got it.

UPDATE: Scans for you here:

Front cover (Page 1) -

Creating a Magical Land (Pages 2 and 3) -

Designing a Place Beyond Imagination (Pages 4 and 5) -

A Vast Array of Creatures and Costumes (Pages 6 and 7) -

DVD Map (Pages 8 and 9 / fold out under page 7) -

Scene listings (Page 10 / back cover) -
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They're on the fourth disc. It plays the movie straight through with the deleted scenes added to it. I've only watched up to the point where Edmund meets the White Witch. The one where Ed gives Lucy's stuffed toy away is adorable!
I just got mine today...
my best friend got it for me!!!
I got the companion guide
is that what you're talking about?
That and I also got
2 pieces of paper that say I can get $10 off if I buy another
and...the other says I can get deals on the books.
That's all I got.
Well, since it is apparent that others have gotten the Companion Guide, and I did not, I guess I will write an email to them tonight and do a bit of complaining.
I tried posting this in the other threads on the EE, but I don't think many people read all the posts that go before their own, so I will ask it here.

For those of you who got the EE, did you or did you not get the Narnia Guide book that was supposed to be with it? I did not. According to the description on and Barnes & Nobels, and on the back of the case that the discs came in it shows and mentions a guide book. I'm sure it isn't a large one, but it says there is supposed to be one. I am writing to Disney and Walden and trying to find out the problem and get my copy of it.

I got mine for Christmas and I have the same situation as you, I didn't get the companion book either. All that was in the sleeve were two cupons.

Also thank you MrBeaver for posting the pics of the Companion book
hey trust me, you guys arent really missing out on anything...the book thing not too grand :rolleyes:
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I tried posting this in the other threads on the EE, but I don't think many people read all the posts that go before their own, so I will ask it here.

For those of you who got the EE, did you or did you not get the Narnia Guide book that was supposed to be with it? I did not. According to the description on and Barnes & Nobels, and on the back of the case that the discs came in it shows and mentions a guide book. I'm sure it isn't a large one, but it says there is supposed to be one. I am writing to Disney and Walden and trying to find out the problem and get my copy of it.

I got a booklet. Its in the DVD case. It comes with two pictures.
I went to last night which is Disney and I really had a bad time trying to find anyplace to send an email to concerning the problem. I finally found one that may or may not have anything to do with their videos, but I wrote to them anyway and asked them about it and asked that they give me the email addy of the right place to send an email to if they weren't the ones. I haven't heard yet. I'll let you all know what I find out, if I find out anything.