Narnia EE book.

This really annoys me. I want the companion book as the package promised it would be in there...and I saw the photos Mr Beaver posted...I want that book.:mad:
I went to last night which is Disney and I really had a bad time trying to find anyplace to send an email to concerning the problem. I finally found one that may or may not have anything to do with their videos, but I wrote to them anyway and asked them about it and asked that they give me the email addy of the right place to send an email to if they weren't the ones. I haven't heard yet. I'll let you all know what I find out, if I find out anything.

You could tell them that I want to roast THEM over an open fire.
Well, if anyone looked at the main page there is an article there on where you can call to get the companion book. It's a toll-free number and you should get it in a week to ten days. Someone here is on the ball.

I was at Wal-Mart today and the Disney DVD rep was there and I asked him about it. He said he looked for a number to call, but didn't have one. Now why would our people here be able to get the number and not the Disney DVD rep? Hmmmmmmmmmm....????????????
Did you tell him I'm so annoyed I want to roast someone over that 'open fire?!'
And that booklet may be little, but it's supposed to be part of the whole package. I'm in tears, man, tears.
Did you tell him I'm so annoyed I want to roast someone over that 'open fire?!'
And that booklet may be little, but it's supposed to be part of the whole package. I'm in tears, man, tears.

I was really upset although I didn't let him know it. I just couldn't believe that a vendor for Disney DVD didn't have a phone number to contact someone about it. Another thing was that when I first approached him and explained what had happened, he reached for one of the videos on the shelf and started to open it to see if the book was there and give it to me if it was. Then all of a sudden, he just changed his mind about it and said he'd look up the number for me, which he couldn't find. Now that the number is posted in the article here we can get it. If ya don't want to go to the main page, here it is:

1-800-723-4763. Select Option 2, then select option 6, then press 0. You will be asked to give your mailing address to send the book to.
Thanks Carl that helps a lot. This is just so inconvenient though if you know what I mean!! I mean...well, you know what I mean.:D
Extended Edition booklet

I just checked my EE, which was bought on Saturday. No booklet. I will call the number. Thanks for finding that number and posting it, NM.

It sounds like the omission of the booklet was an oversight on the part of the vendor whop produced the EE. Or, maybe they ran out of booklets and because of the short availability, decided to release the incomplete DVD's anyway and provide to booklet to those who requested it.

Crazy windy here this evening. The average wind speed has been above 30 MPH for 7 hours now, and the peak gust has been 60 MPH. The rain gauge is not working. I am wondering if the collection funnel got filled with dust. I am not going to troubleshoot it tonight!
More extended edition info

I just tried calling the number, and got a message saying the support site was closed for the day. The sent me to the Disney DVD website, where there does not seem to be any information about hte missing booklet (although I did not do an exhaustive search).

They also gave an email address which might be helpful for future reference:
I just tried calling the number, and got a message saying the support site was closed for the day. The sent me to the Disney DVD website, where there does not seem to be any information about hte missing booklet (although I did not do an exhaustive search).

They also gave an email address which might be helpful for future reference:

Yeah, I went to the disney site and did an exhaustive search and came up blank. There's nothing there about the book.
1-800-723-4763. Select Option 2, then select option 6, then press 0. You will be asked to give your mailing address to send the book to.

After selecting option 6, you are required to listen to a long spiel about using the website. Then, you are given an opportunity to press '0'. You get a living, breathing human being who will get your address, etc. to send you the booklet. Note that this service is only available close to business hours.
After selecting option 6, you are required to listen to a long spiel about using the website. Then, you are given an opportunity to press '0'. You get a living, breathing human being who will get your address, etc. to send you the booklet. Note that this service is only available close to business hours.

A real human being? Amazing! I still have not called yet though. Too lazy.
After selecting option 6, you are required to listen to a long spiel about using the website. Then, you are given an opportunity to press '0'. You get a living, breathing human being who will get your address, etc. to send you the booklet. Note that this service is only available close to business hours.

Thanks for the FYI Tim. I'm calling them now.

They said it should arrive in about a week.

My booklet arrived yesterday. That was really fast service!

Here's a question: How many of you are going to go after the $10 rebate. I am tempted to, because I could use the cash (my new furnace will cost me $3,500, and cat CC's vet bill will be close to $1,000. Ouch!!). OTOH, not removing the proof-of-purchase tabs makes the CD sets more collectible, and $10 reallyisn't that much money.
My booklet arrived yesterday. That was really fast service!

Here's a question: How many of you are going to go after the $10 rebate. I am tempted to, because I could use the cash (my new furnace will cost me $3,500, and cat CC's vet bill will be close to $1,000. Ouch!!). OTOH, not removing the proof-of-purchase tabs makes the CD sets more collectible, and $10 reallyisn't that much money.

No, I wouldn't. I have this thing about totally mint collectibles. Ten dollars sounds a lot more than say fifty cents, know how serious I am of a collector Tim. But this is just my opinion.
No, I wouldn't. I have this thing about totally mint collectibles. Ten dollars sounds a lot more than say fifty cents, know how serious I am of a collector Tim. But this is just my opinion.

So does this mean you will not be opening the box and viewing the movie or just not going to go after the rebate. Myself, I went for the rebate. LOL
Got the Companion Guide today in the mail. It's small. It has numerous pictures of the film, the filming and what exactly is on each DVD in the set. It wasn't a real big thing, but it's nice to have since it is supposed to be there in the first place. The person I talked to said that thousands of the EE set went out without the booklet for some reason.
Got the Companion Guide today in the mail. It's small. It has numerous pictures of the film, the filming and what exactly is on each DVD in the set. It wasn't a real big thing, but it's nice to have since it is supposed to be there in the first place. The person I talked to said that thousands of the EE set went out without the booklet for some reason.

Yes I'd be curious as to 'why' though....'some reason' doesn't answer it. Why don't they just admit they forgot to include it!!:p
Yes I'd be curious as to 'why' though....'some reason' doesn't answer it. Why don't they just admit they forgot to include it!!:p

I think Disney does not like to admit making a mistake. Take the Kiara talking clock I have. As an electronics person, I could immediately see a serious design flaw in the product that turned out to be an accurate perdiction. I think the Disney toy folks were not aware of this problem until they had their hands on some of them. A few got into the public's hands before they pulled the plug on the product. I was one of the lucky ones that pursued this a bit further. I have two of only three I have ever seen of these toys.