Narnia Movie Wishlist

jasmine tarkheena

Active member
There are a lot of things in the Narnia books that we anticipate to see done on screens. BBC adapted Narnia, but stopped after The Silver Chair. Then the Walden adapted Narnia, but stopped after Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Hope still remains that we'll get to see all seven books done on screen. And of course, as Narnia fans, these books matter to us on how they're done. I thought we can come up with a wish list for future Narnia movies. When you read the books, there are moments you're like, "Imagine seeing this in a movie."

Here are my top 3-

3. The Unwelcome Fellow Traveler in The Horse And His Boy. It is a moving scene in the book and one of the most powerful moments in the series. I would like to be more like a documentary, where we see a close up shot of Shasta's face as he riding this horse and hearing the voice of Aslan in the back ground. There doesn't have to be a big epic helicopter shot. One change they may have to make is that they may have Aslan as a speck of light. Plus, imagine hearing Aslan say "Myself" three times each in a different voice.

2. The Wood Between The Worlds in The Magician's Nephew. I like to see how filmmakers will come up with it visually. I almost imagine a green forest with reflection of light in the pools. Plus, there doesn't have to be any sound. We can just see Digory and Polly at ease there, and checking out all these pools. I envision that the pools are like ponds, but with clear water.

1. Emeth's meeting with Aslan in The Last Battle. My favorite scene in the series. If there are things in the books that wouldn't work well for a movie and would have to require some changes, I understand that. But I want Emeth's meeting with Aslan done right and not make it too cheesy. Imagine seeing Aslan from Emeth's perspective. I would like to see a close up of Emeth's face when he's walking on the grass and see his reaction when he meets with Aslan, "Surely this is the hour of death." Then Aslan explains that he is welcome, and that he has been seeking Aslan all this time.

Some honorable mentions are Charn in The Magician's Nephew, Caspian's resurrection in The Silver Chair, Aravis's backstory in The Horse And His Boy, Puddleglum's speech in The Silver Chair.

I would also like to see the opening credits for each seven movies to take their time, like the Walden did for the first two. The name of the production company, the film title, the cast and production crew. I actually liked how the opening credits of LWW had no dialogue while the Pevensies were on the train. Plus, I think the Pauline Baynes illustrations from each book at the end credits for each movie like what Walden did for VDT would be a nice touch!

Do you have a wish list of what you would like to see in Narnia movies?
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The Magician's Nephew. At all. Period. I want to see this on screen before I die. That being said, working out the mixed malevolence and amusing gaucheness of Andrew will be important.

I would see the acceptability of adding certain things to avoid TELLING or NARRATING them. If I were doing this, Andrew's experiment room would be a little steampunk. Some things would be charming like getting rising smoke from a candle to form a butterfly that flaps away and a seashell that repeats back anything you say into it in someone else's voice. The kids are impressed but Andrew dismisses them as mere TOYS. There comes a time in every man's life when he wants to discover something genuinely useful. Now consider this. A ring? How is it useful? Well put it on. POOF. I would call that useful, my poppets. Very...very...useful.
I think another would be that even though Moonwood the Hare, King Gale, and Queen Swanwhite may not get their own movies or series, I would like to see at least an Easter egg.

Perhaps, in a VDT movie, a painting or picture of King Gale fighting the Dragon. It would indicate on how the Lone Islands became a part of Narnia.

There could also be paintings Moonwood the Hare listening by Caldron Pool, King Gale fighting the dragon, and Queen Swanwhite looking into a forest pool in the archives at Cair Paravel.
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There are a lot of things in the Narnia books that we anticipate to see done on screens. BBC adapted Narnia, but stopped after The Silver Chair. Then the Walden adapted Narnia, but stopped after Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Hope still remains that we'll get to see all seven books done on screen. And of course, as Narnia fans, these books matter to us on how they're done. I thought we can come up with a wish list for future Narnia movies. When you read the books, there are moments you're like, "Imagine seeing this in a movie."

Here are my top 3-

3. The Unwelcome Fellow Traveler in The Horse And His Boy. It is a moving scene in the book and one of the most powerful moments in the series. I would like to be more like a documentary, where we see a close up shot of Shasta's face as he riding this horse and hearing the voice of Aslan in the back ground. There doesn't have to be a big epic helicopter shot. One change they may have to make is that they may have Aslan as a speck of light. Plus, imagine hearing Aslan say "Myself" three times each in a different voice.

2. The Wood Between The Worlds in The Magician's Nephew. I like to see how filmmakers will come up with it visually. I almost imagine a green forest with reflection of light in the pools. Plus, there doesn't have to be any sound. We can just see Digory and Polly at ease there, and checking out all these pools. I envision that the pools are like ponds, but with clear water.

1. Emeth's meeting with Aslan in The Last Battle. My favorite scene in the series. If there are things in the books that wouldn't work well for a movie and would have to require some changes, I understand that. But I want Emeth's meeting with Aslan done right and not make it too cheesy. Imagine seeing Aslan from Emeth's perspective. I would like to see a close up of Emeth's face when he's walking on the grass and see his reaction when he meets with Aslan, "Surely this is the hour of death." Then Aslan explains that he is welcome, and that he has been seeking Aslan all this time.

Some honorable mentions are Charn in The Magician's Nephew, Caspian's resurrection in The Silver Chair, Aravis's backstory in The Horse And His Boy, Puddleglum's speech in The Silver Chair.

I would also like to see the opening credits for each seven movies to take their time, like the Walden did for the first two. The name of the production company, the film title, the cast and production crew. I actually liked how the opening credits of LWW had no dialogue while the Pevensies were on the train. Plus, I think the Pauline Baynes illustrations from each book at the end credits for each movie like what Walden did for VDT would be a nice touch!

Do you have a wish list of what you would like to see in Narnia movies?
As someone who was (probably inappropriately) put out by how many things were changed in the Dawn Treader movie, and a little too miffed at the unnecessary character dynamics changes in Prince Caspian, I would be hard pressed to want to subject such a magnificent book series to anymore attempt in the cinema!😆

However, if it were done (literally) BY THE BOOK,😆 seeing Digory and Polly traveling to Charn, and through the Woods between worlds would be a delight.