Narnia RISK

Knight of Narnia

New member
So does anyone else think that Narnia RISK would make a great game? I have both LOTR and SW Clone Wars RISK and I have to say that these variations are very fun and wel done. You could two armies for the side of good (Peter's Army from the Battle of Beruna and Caspian's Army from the battle at Aslan's Howe) and two armies for the side of evil (The White Witches Army and Miras' Army).

What do y'all think?
You could also have Tirian's army and the Calormenes! Or the Narnia/Archenland alliance against the Calormene cavalry. Or, if you wanted to stretch it, the Narnian Army vs. the Emerald Witch's gnome army.
Ooh! Ooh! :) (Risk fanatic) :D

Don't forget the realm of the Giants, and all those islands!

So you have the Giants to the North
Just south of them, the Emerald Queen's lands?
Then Narnia.
Then Archenland.
Then the Tashbaan Empire.
Then the Islands.

That's six "regions".

Then there's the land above the Falls, and all the Islands. Hmmmm..... some limits would have to apply, I suppose..... :confused:
There is a game of online risk that I used to play a lot.

it is called Lux. People can make their own maps. It costs money to register and I am not sure if we could do it becase of copyrights (had to take down LotR map someone made).
girl power said:
is a risk game violent ?????????????????
It's a board game .... or computer game if you like that better... the whole idea is world domination. So you have little army pieces that attack someone else's little army pieces. So yes, it's violent, but symbolically. Unless, of course, the losers get mad at the winner after the game's done. :p
I am gonna collect the RISK games...though it is absurd...and I dont approve....lets see they have..

1.Regular Risk
2.Star Wars Risk
3.They are coming out with another Star Wars Risk this year.
4.LotR Risk
and now (hopefully for some of you psychos *grin*)
5.Narnia Risk.

ya know I think I saw something about a Narnia Stratego but I dong remember...might have been like monoply or something...

Oh Monoply!! I should collect all of those too!!*starts to count them off in her head...then relizes that there are way to many to count and especially to collect..however she will try and prevail*
Risk variation

For all those who think Risk sounds too violent... just think about the players as a missionary with their own religion... to spread to all the world. Heheh uhm wait... That could actually be very violent as we know that religion may lead to war. Hmmm bad idea... ;)