Narnia Which-Way books


New member
Hello, first time posting here for me. I am currently reading the seven Chronicle books for the first time (actually, I've read LWW several times as a stand-alone book). I'm loving them so far, and I'm about halfway through Dawn Treader (reading them by publication date).

Although I haven't read the entire series yet, I have been a big fan of Narnia for years. I'm eagerly awaiting the film(s).

My question is this: Does anyone have the 4 Narnia Solo Game books? When I was a child, Which-Way/Choose Your Own Adventure books were very popular. I once found this set of 4 Narnia-based which way books. They were really fun. One was called Return to Deathwater, another was called The Lost Crowns of Cair Paravel, another was called Leap of the Lion, and the last was called The Sorceress and the Book of Spells.

I've heard there was also a fifth Solo Games book, but my set only came with 4.

So, anyone remember these? If so, what were your thoughts?
I've never heard of those. Can you give us any more information that you've got about them?
Here is a link with a brief synopsis and pics of two fo the covers:

In case you aren't familiar with "Which-Way" books, I'll try to explain. These books aren't read cover to cover. You read a page or two, then you have a choice. Here's an example: You are on the island of Deathwater. You notice a pool of water with jewels and a life-size statue of gold. You might have a choice to take a drink of water (turn to page ___), test the water first (turn to page ____), or dive in the water and take the statue and/or jewels (turn to page ____).

Of course the best choice would be to test the water first. There are literally thousands of different story combinations in just one book. There are many different endings; some are bad endings (you die or fail your mission), some are OK (you survive but don't complete your mission), and there is one ideal ending (you fully complete your mission).

The Narnia Solo Games books took it a step further, allowing you to keep points based on wise choices. I usually read them without playing that part of the game, and they read just fine as a normal "which-way" book.
Hello, first time posting here for me. I am currently reading the seven Chronicle books for the first time (actually, I've read LWW several times as a stand-alone book). I'm loving them so far, and I'm about halfway through Dawn Treader (reading them by publication date).

Although I haven't read the entire series yet, I have been a big fan of Narnia for years. I'm eagerly awaiting the film(s).

My question is this: Does anyone have the 4 Narnia Solo Game books? When I was a child, Which-Way/Choose Your Own Adventure books were very popular. I once found this set of 4 Narnia-based which way books. They were really fun. One was called Return to Deathwater, another was called The Lost Crowns of Cair Paravel, another was called Leap of the Lion, and the last was called The Sorceress and the Book of Spells.

I've heard there was also a fifth Solo Games book, but my set only came with 4.

So, anyone remember these? If so, what were your thoughts?
I have all FIVE of the available Narnia Solo Games. Here is a web page I created, years ago, to provide any interested persons with information about them (and yes, the page is still alive!):

Hope this helps! 😃
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