Narnian RPG: Siege Of Gatfreid

OOC: cute Alex. LOL. So where do you want me? :p

OOC: Well, you replied ages back as Lucy. You are currently in the throne room, listening to the others talk about the plan of action (to send a search party to where a Narnian boat was sank, possibly deliberately).
OOC: ah yes...I remember. I usually dont think outside of school...LOL

IC: Lucy listened to everyone trying to decide. It was boring her a little.
Observing from the crack in the cupboard door that he left slightly open, Jaden heard the sounds of footfalls coming down the stairs into the kitchen. At first there was no sound besides the footfalls but then Jaden heard a voice heartilly exclaim, "I tell you, if it were not for this celebration, I'd be out of a job I would!"
Observing as best he could, Jaden saw a slightly portly male dwarf that was talking to his companion, a Dryad. The Dryad was female, as far as Jaden could tell and seemed to be listening to her dwarfen companion. She nodded her head in understanding.
The Dwarf accepted this nod and came towards Jaden but stopped at a kitchen table that was nearby and was glancing through a cookbook.
"Though why they don't allow me to make Dwarven Ale I'll never know. Ah well, best do what I can with what we got I suppose," mumbled the dwarf to the Dryad but mostly to himself. "I say, look in the supply cupboard for some Daisy Seeds would you?"
The Dryad nodded and the dwarf went back to browsing through his cook book while the Dryad came forward towards the cupboard Jaden was hiding in with almost effortless ease looking like she was gliding slightly.
Reaching out, the Dryad held the handle of the cupboard door and started to open it.

Jaden's eyes widened and his heart came up in his throat. He tried hois best to hide among the potatoes but you could still se about 90 % of his body. He took off his cape and when the dyad opened the door he would throw it at her (though he did not want to at all) and would dart out of the room trying his best to avoid the dwarf..
Jaden's eyes widened and his heart came up in his throat. He tried hois best to hide among the potatoes but you could still se about 90 % of his body. He took off his cape and when the dyad opened the door he would throw it at her (though he did not want to at all) and would dart out of the room trying his best to avoid the dwarf..


Suddenly, as the Dryad was about to open the door, the dwarf cried out.
"Wait! I forgot, I took them out earlier," stated the dwarf sheepishly.
The Dryad rolled her eyes but took her hand from the door and turned, backing away from the cupboard Jaden was in.
The dwarf went over to a boiling pot and put the Daisy Seeds into it. It fizzled slightly before going back to bubbling.
"Now, that should take about a good hour to mix properly. Let's go back, the Kings and Queens are about to announce their stratergy for a search party," stated the dwarf as he left the kitchen by going up the stairs.
The Dryad did not respond but followed after him then suddenly stopped. She turned and looked around the kitchen once more before sighing slightly and turning back to face the stairs and followed her companion.
Jaden heard the kitchen door shut as the two left.
Susan just looked at her sister for awhile " Lu you be all right," she told her.


Edquna was still with her friend watching the faun thew the hole in the door..
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Suddenly, as the Dryad was about to open the door, the dwarf cried out.
"Wait! I forgot, I took them out earlier," stated the dwarf sheepishly.
The Dryad rolled her eyes but took her hand from the door and turned, backing away from the cupboard Jaden was in.
The dwarf went over to a boiling pot and put the Daisy Seeds into it. It fizzled slightly before going back to bubbling.
"Now, that should take about a good hour to mix properly. Let's go back, the Kings and Queens are about to announce their stratergy for a search party," stated the dwarf as he left the kitchen by going up the stairs.
The Dryad did not respond but followed after him then suddenly stopped. She turned and looked around the kitchen once more before sighing slightly and turning back to face the stairs and followed her companion.
Jaden heard the kitchen door shut as the two left.

ooc: That was a close one :p

ic: Jaden gave a big sigh of releif. He got out of the cupboard and looked up the stairwell. The two had vanished behind a great oak door. " The Kings and Queens will soon be off for a search party, i need to get to them before it happens " He said to himself. He walked towards the arch and climbed the steps. The great oak doors stood infront of him. Slowly and cautiously he peaked out. He was now looking into the Main Hallway off the Castle. Up ahead at the end of the hall he could see the archway leading into the throne room. He made a run for it. He dashed down the hallway and through the archway hiding behind a large pillar panting. He glanced out from behind it and saw their Majesties talking. He looked around and no one was around in the room so he ran over to them. " King Peter " He said bowing to the throne. " Please....there is an evil coming ino Narnia from the sea. Something have to do something about it or we shall all be doomed " he said trembling.
ooc: That was a close one :p

ic: Jaden gave a big sigh of releif. He got out of the cupboard and looked up the stairwell. The two had vanished behind a great oak door. " The Kings and Queens will soon be off for a search party, i need to get to them before it happens " He said to himself. He walked towards the arch and climbed the steps. The great oak doors stood infront of him. Slowly and cautiously he peaked out. He was now looking into the Main Hallway off the Castle. Up ahead at the end of the hall he could see the archway leading into the throne room. He made a run for it. He dashed down the hallway and through the archway hiding behind a large pillar panting. He glanced out from behind it and saw their Majesties talking. He looked around and no one was around in the room so he ran over to them. " King Peter " He said bowing to the throne. " Please....there is an evil coming ino Narnia from the sea. Something have to do something about it or we shall all be doomed " he said trembling.

OOC: And this is where it is out of my hands now. Have to wait for QueenofNarnia29 or the other three to respond.
Yes, was a close one. I am known for those. :)
The young faun looked thoughtful for a moment then raised his spear end away from Grace.
"Do you bring tidings to the King and Queens?" he asked her, stepping back to allow her to stand up.

"Well, no" said Grace "I was just wondering what it looked like in the castle. I live in the woods. What's your name?"

ooc: What is going on?
The young faun looked thoughtful for a moment then raised his spear end away from Grace.
"Do you bring tidings to the King and Queens?" he asked her, stepping back to allow her to stand up.

"Well, no" said Grace "I was just wondering what it looked like in the castle. I live in the woods. What's your name?"

ooc: What is going on?

OOC: Not much...if you want to know, read the posts.

The faun still held his spear loosely, deciding that the girl was no threat.
" Metris. I guard that mound over there," stated the faun known as Metris, pointing towards the small mound that he had been standing upon minutes before.