
Kin and Neji was walking down they heard some one eating loud Kin told him hold on let me see what going on she saw three guys sitting at a table two of the guys was just hanging and the kind of roud guy with eatting like a pig and saw Ino and a girl with pink hair staning by the window " whats going on here ?" she ask the two girls one of the girls trun aroun " Oh one of the guys are just eating for the test" then KIn want back to Neji " whats going on?' Neji ask her ' oh guys" she said with a smark on her face.
Gaara walked up to practice dummy and flicked his hand to destory it with sand burial. then made a sand clone and the two began fighting after a few hours sand colopsed and so did Gaara so now hes just lying on the ground
ooc: i wish i could be my made up person on this....Kojima is my name :D and Gaara is my enemy we like really hate each other cause i am more powerful than him haha go me!
ooc:lol gaara will eat you alive
ic:Gaara after collapsing on the ground was watching the grass grow while waiting to regain some chakra
Kin want up to Naruto " next time you got you don't mass with me Naruto" she said the same time walking away then Neji came and put his arms around her " whatz going on?" Neji ask her " not thing iit's beween me and Naruto" she said with a smark o her face