Nessa's photoshop secrets

Okay, according to the the new rules threads with more than 1000 replies will be locked and new ones will be opened. My old thread has more than 1000 replies so time for a new topic. In this topic I am not only taking requests but I am also going to reveal some of my secrets I have learned through the months by working with photoshop so much. You can not only request banners, avies and wallies but also tutorials!!! If I know the tutorial of course :D
I first want to start with a very beautiful and great tutorial.
How do I turn this into this
1. Open a photofile
2. Layer > new layer
3. Fill the new layer with this background color: #E0A900 It is a bit golden yellow
4. Set the blending options for this layer on Soft light.
5. Merge the layers and after this, duplicate them.
6. Go to Filter > Distort > Diffuse glow and take over these settings:
Graininess = 0
Glow amount = 7
Clear amount = 10
Click OK
7. Go to Edit > fade diffuse glow. And now set the bledning options on Pin light
The opacity is 100%
Click ok and now you're done!
Thanks Audrey! I hope you will learn much from these tutorials so you can also use them in GIMP>
The next tutorial is to make a spectaculair eye effect. How to change eye colors? You can use the quick mask but I rather use the polygone lasso tool.
1. Open a file and also click on Layer > New layer. Leave it transparant.
2. Zoom in at your subject and especially at the pupil.
3. Select lasso tool and rather polygone lasso.
4. Draw a line around the pupil.
5. Don't deselect it! Now you click on the gradient tool and you choose the Rainbow transparant tool or another rainbow tool with your own made colors.
6. Select the part in your selected pupil. Now the pupil is filled with a thick rainbow color. Don't worry! You are going to solve this soon.
7. Set the blending option of the new layer you opened too in step 1 on color. DON'T DESELECT YET!!!
8. Now you go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/saturation. Set the Saturation option completely to the left and the Hue to the right to make the rainbow eye more glossy.
9. Select the backgropund layer which is your pic. And now make sure you have set the background color on white and select the paintbuckettool.
10. Click on brushes and select a small soft sparkling brush. Click in the original eye and you will see the effects immidiatly in the rainbow eye. Do this till you are satisfied.
Save your work. final result with Arwen as an example. I have made this tutorial myself and didn't find it on google!!!! :D
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OOH! These are neat, Vanessa!! I'm so glad that you are doing tutorials in addition to posting your wonderful work! I'm sure I can learn a lot from a Photoshop master like you! ;) :p
First of all...PC, look at yourself! You are a master too but YOU REFUSE TO ADMIT IT!!! :p

Snowy, I hope you will be able to do many things also in GIMP. I will soon continue with explaining the GIMP tools again ;).
Okay, now something totally different. I have made a Frodo in the fire pic with a realistic fire. Choose an object you want to place in the fire. You can use a pic as the background but you can also add a pic in your finished work after you have created the fire. If you want to use a pic as background, make sure your pic is almost the same size in height and width.

1. Create a new file. Make it as big as you want but try to make both width and height the same size. I used 500 by 500. Later I cropped it. Fill it with white. Or you can use a background pic as I have said above.
2. Duplicate this layer and go to Filter > Render> different clouds. If you have used a background pic don't duplicate it but add a new layer and make it white first.
3. Go to Filter> Sketch > Chrome and use these settings Details = 3 and smootness = 7.
4. Go again to Filter > render > Different clouds and repeat it till you are certain it is the perfect base for your fire. I repeated it twice.
5. Now go to Filter > Distort > Pinch and set the amount at 55% but you can also use another amount. It is up to you.
6. Copy the layer.
7. Top layer selected go to Edit > Transform > Rotate 90 cw. Change the layer opacity to 50%. This will make the pic below visible whether it is the white background or your background pic.
8. Right-click on your top layer and choose Merge down or go to Layer > Merge down.
9. Now go to Image > Adjustments > equalize
10. Now go to Filter > render > Lightning effects. And use these settings:
Light type is Omni:
Intensity = 45 and click on the colorbox next to it and choose color: da6803.
Gloss = 100
Material = 100
Exposure = 43
Ambience = 9
Click also on the second colorbox and use this color: ecd305
You can play with the preview settings on the left side if you want but you can also leave it if you are satisfied. Click on ok.
11. If you have used a background pic and you are satisfied with the results, save your work. If you want to add a pic now in this newly made fire, open your file and place the pic in it. I have set the blending option on pin light but it depends on the pic you use itself.
Here is my result:
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I have no photoshop program, but I have GIMP and Photobie (besides my lovely photofiltre... :p)

And I always get confused to work with layers.

But this thread totally great...I'll print these tutorials and I will pray that my "slowly-reacted" brain gonna understand it ;)

Thanks a lot, Ness.....

Layers......I'm coming and I will conquer you!!! *evil laugh*
P-C, you are so sweet! I know you are going to sit down and try these tutoials out yourself and show us your results :D I still think your work is great and don't you disagree with me!! :p

My dear Dani, you will see how easy layers actually are. I am going to write down more tutorials and you will no longer have problems with the layers :D
YES!!! The layers are warned...Dani is coming to conquer Thee!
I love the rainbow eye tutorial, Vanessa!! :) I'll check it out sometime. not right now though, because I'm trying to not spend so much time on the internet/Photoshop. :cool:
I am going to spend more time at photohop :D I want to continue with it in a professional way. But now it is more for fun :D

Queen Swanwhite...I was so confused about the layers and I found out myself by following some tutorials I just liked and then I started to work with layers without having troubles with it. are a real photoshopmaster yourself! ;)
I tried the rainbow eye tutorial and IT WORKED!!!*dances*...Thanks,Vanessa!!!:D
I am going to spend more time at photohop :D I want to continue with it in a professional way. But now it is more for fun :D

Queen Swanwhite...I was so confused about the layers and I found out myself by following some tutorials I just liked and then I started to work with layers without having troubles with it. are a real photoshopmaster yourself! ;)

I learnt everything by tutorials too. And messing about too. And no, I'm not.:o
Yes you are!!! I know you should be mentioned in the large row of graphicmakers and you will end high at the top!!!

Yes, messing with photoshoptutorials is so much fun! I have added a lot of great sites at my favorites but some tutorials are not always explained well. I found a snowglob tutorial but the people forgot to say you have to make a selection first :eek: your work! I am so curious because I know you are growing in your work ;) tutorial:
How to make it looks like an object is surrounded by lightning. To make lightning is very easy in photoshop.
1. Open the file you want to use. Copy this file.
2. Click on new layer. Fill this layer with black.
3. Go to Filter > Render > Different clouds and repeat this step as much as you want till you are satisfied.
4. Go to Image > Adjust > Invert
5. Go to Image > Adjust > Levels and use these settings: Input Levels: 210, 0.18, 255.
6. Go to Image > Adjust > Hue/saturation and mark colorize. Play with the settings till you have a color you like. I used a blue color.
7. Copy the layer if you want to use the same lightning. Blending options: Screen or lighten. And press Ctrl + T. Now you can rotate the layer as you want. Move the layer wherever you want it.
8. repeat the above step till you are satisfied. Now you can merge down the layers. Don't merge all bur merge down till it is all merged down wih the new layer you created in step two.
Now you have twom options. You can play with the blending mode if you have a background pic you want to have lightning at, or you can select the background copy as descriped in step 1 and make sure it is placed on front.
Layer > Bring to front and add a layer mask. Now you make sure the background color is still black and you select a soft brush. Now paint on your background pic and you will see the lightning is going to be visible. paint till you are satisfied with the look of the lightning on your pic.
Save your work.
My result is not spectaculair but it is just a try out to show what you can do ;)
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