New and expanded romances.

What romances do you think the filmakers may add into the movies

  • Lucy/Caspian

    Votes: 4 7.1%
  • Caspian/Ramandu's Daughter (in a way that drastically expands her role)

    Votes: 27 48.2%
  • Caspian/ The Emerald Witch

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Jill/Eustace

    Votes: 23 41.1%
  • Jill/Rillian

    Votes: 11 19.6%
  • Shasta/Aravis (expanded)

    Votes: 30 53.6%
  • Shasta, Aravis, Corrin love triangle

    Votes: 8 14.3%
  • Digory and Polly

    Votes: 14 25.0%
  • Tirian and Lucy

    Votes: 5 8.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 10.7%

  • Total voters
I hope the filmmakers don't have another Suspian moment...I mean, I don't dislike Susan with Caspian, but it never would have happened in the books, because then (**spoiler alert) Susan would have been there in the end...but that's just my thought.
I really hope they do something with Aravis and Cor though. They're my favorite Narnia couple and just need more love! Plus, they just have a great relationship!:) I also think an Aravis/Cor/Corin love triangle would be pretty funny, but that might detract from the plot if they ever made it into a movie.
And Jill and Eustace...I think they should do something with them, even if it isn't a full-out "we're in love!" at the end of the movie. I always thought that they would be a good couple too, even though they're still kind of young at the end of the series, I think they would've gotten together...though that's just my romantic side, hehe:)
Besides the fact that he was writing for children, and besides the fact that he had not yet found his own late-in-life true love, I believe that Mr. Lewis minimized romance in the Chronicles because he was aware of what popular culture was doing with romantic love. Even though the movies of the time could not SHOW nudity and so on, they could, and did, constantly portray AND APPROVE OF wildly irresponsible and unreasonable behavior as being supposedly the very essence of love. Lewis, insofar as he thought about "producing an effect" on his young readers, wanted those readers to grow up into much better people than Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara.
Besides the fact that he was writing for children, and besides the fact that he had not yet found his own late-in-life true love, I believe that Mr. Lewis minimized romance in the Chronicles because he was aware of what popular culture was doing with romantic love. Even though the movies of the time could not SHOW nudity and so on, they could, and did, constantly portray AND APPROVE OF wildly irresponsible and unreasonable behavior as being supposedly the very essence of love. Lewis, insofar as he thought about "producing an effect" on his young readers, wanted those readers to grow up into much better people than Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara.

Your right on the movie front, at least in the United States. The Motion Picture Production Code (or Hay's Code), forbid most things consider obscene that were being adamantly used in films we know know as Pre-codes. Drugs, Birthing out of wed-lock, procreation, an immoral character getting no punishments for their sins, nudity, and orgies (but nothing that would seem to fit that word in today's society) were running rampant in these films( it is also worth noting that none of these films are anywhere as bad as todays films, so Nudity was two much leg or an exposed bosom, not like today) Hay's Code went into effect in 1933, and ended officially in 1968, although it had pretty much become mute power wise in the late 50s. the Rating code replaced it a few months later.
Getting back on topic, It was still fair play to use insinuation in film, Casablanca, Rebel without a Cause and other films used suggestiveness to get what was going on off screen. Lewis, probably felt like most of us do. We know what goes on in society and their entertainment values and decide what we want to take part of. Copperfox is right. It is also worth noting that Lewis being a scholarly man, may have seen such entertainment beneath him (Although I truly am just speculating).

In my opinion I like the Chronicles the way they are, no Love stories are necessary other than Aslan's , with the possible exception of Caspian and his queen.
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I agree with you guys. Narnia is about so much more. Though I like to see characters get together in the end, the theme and the adventure of the stories is way deeper than relationships--other than with Aslan of course, and that is a very important one, and the only one needed as Soldier of Aslan said:). I was thinking along the lines of the movies...the books are perfect, but as we saw in Prince Caspian, there might be more character romances thrown into later movies. I just hope the focus stays on what the books are about, but I think the outlook is good, since it has so far:)
How about Bree and Hwin? They could really emphasize the stallion in Bree and the graciousness in Hwin. As the occassional chaperones of Shasta and Aravis, they could fall into a love of their own. We could witness them share a romantic hot mash together at the residence of the Hermit of the Southern March. We might even get to see Bree, reluctantly joined by Hwin, take an extended roll together. Oh, imagine the possibilities!