New narnia board games?

You know how they put out new board games after LOTR came out? Well, I'm wondering if they are going to make like a Narniaopoly Boardgame, or something like that. it'd be interesting alright.

I would love to bring home more board games, especially one on CoN. When I pull out a board game, the kids protest at first, then end up having fun. Since we're reading the books this summer, they'd be more interested in the game they knew the story well. We read the Hobbit last summer and they really got into the video game.
Oh, I like those too. At the SW celebration, these representatives were handing out Cd-rom/DVD of SW trivia. Lots of interesting facts, good fun. I couldn't believe how many the kids got right. Now I need to get the one for LOTR...let's see how well they do. I read those books inside out every year. ;)
Narnia Chess would be interesting. It could have the Kings and Queens of Narnia!
If any of us were to design a boardgame, I wonder what it would look like, how it would play, etc.

I bought the Unfortunate Events board game, and my 7-year-old is enthralled. What I like about it is that the game pieces are sculpted figurines of the three children, Olaf, and Poe. It looks a lot like the old Clue game, but the designers were very clever in adding things to the game that make it simple yet challenging.

I think it would be very interesting to try and come up with an idea that is unique enough to stand on its own. What would be challenging is to have a boardgame in which all seven books can be played on the same board.

Would it be a war game? a role-playing game? a "find the treasure" type of game?

I believe the creativity of this group to be endless. Heck, we might be able to design one of our own and sell the rights to it! :D
YES! GO ROLEPLAYING! It'll be the only way to get all 7 books into the game (I wanna be Reep! That would be so funny to see his stats!)

Very likely a Narnia style chessboard will be made. Aslan as king of one side and the White Witch queen on the other. I don't know how the other pieces would be transposed. Can you think of that?

Like who would be the queen on Aslan's side--Susan? and who the king on the side of the White Witch--a wicked dwarf; an evil-Edmund? That would be interesting.
Good idea. it's a rpg plan!


I am going to put the RPG on my board at right now.
Pass The Lamp Poste collect 200 pounds Turkish Delight ids already there!

hahahahahaah narnoploly, good one, hey Tarky i like yer avvie, that from the cover of the LWW newer book cover version right? Cuz on ym boxset, the lWW one is like that. wicked!