New Yorkers

Carrying her paper and breakfast, Elisabeth followed. "Guys, if you want, you can call me Liz." she took a bite of her bagel which she had spread with strawberry cream cheese.
She laughed.
" all right cool so we both can Join a club.," she said jokely.

OOC: I got to go guys by we can finsh this tomrrow all right.
Mimi laughed.."we are here.." she said stopping in front of her apartment..she went up and kocked a on door. A man about 20 opened.."Oh..Hey Mimi..Comeon in.." Roger said opening the door wider..
Mimi laughed.."we are here.." she said stopping in front of her apartment..she went up and kocked a on door. A man about 20 opened.."Oh..Hey Mimi..Comeon in.." Roger said opening the door wider..

"ah...I see you brought friends." Roger said. "Come in..I need some people BESIDES you Mimi." he said. Her mouth formed an O and she stomped to the couch.
SHe smiled then her phone start to ring.
" hold on Roger I have to get this okay," she told him while she got up were she was it was the guy who played Kiba,
" hey what you need?," she ask with a sigh" hey baba I just want to know were you are so I can come see you," he ask.
" I'm at my friends place if you want to come over," he told her he be there in a sec or two then she walk back to her friends.
ooc: OMG! I'm listening to the song:

"One song
One song
Before I go
One song to leave behind
Find one song
One last refrain
From the pretty boy front man
Who wasted opportunity
One song
He had the world at his feet
In the eyes of a young girl
A young girl
Find glory
Beyond the cheap colored lights
One song
Before the sun sets
Glory -- on another empty life
Time flies -- time dies
Glory -- One blaze of glory
One blaze of glory -- glory
In a song that rings true
Truth like a blazing fire
An eternal flame
One song
A song about love
From the soul of a young man
A young man
The one song
Before the virus takes hold
Like a sunset
One song
To redeem this empty life
Time flies
And then - no need to endure anymore
Time dies" Roger sang..."Wow" Mimi said when he was done