North Korean Leader announces plan to bring down American flag on the moon

Two million North Korean peasants just volunteered to go settle on the Moon, because they would get MORE to eat there than Kim Jong-Il is letting them have.
Ah... ha... ha. That was terrible, ES. :p

Not to mention, of course, that if he were to go through with it he would probably mess up the equilibrium of the Earth-Moon system and send the earth out of its orbit, thereby killing everybody on earth... :rolleyes:

(Note that I don't believe this, I was just saying that for the heck of it.)
I just have several things to say.

1. The comment about the American flag defiling the moon is just an example of the Communist propoganda trying to be spread to the locals.

2. Any North Koreans that believe that this can be accomplished are crazy like their president.

3. I've never heard of Communists saying that their leaders are gods and all powerful.

4. Since when do ghosts exist?

5. If they did somehow manage to bring down the moon, then the tides will be messed up, and then the water might flood entire countries.

6. Is this just some funny video or is this real?
During the lifetime of Mao Tse-Tung, Chinese schoolchildren were taught to sing that Chairman Mao was the sun in the sky. This, of course, as a way of showing how Marxism makes everyone equal. :rolleyes:
Maybe they're afraid of the Fennec fox because they confuse it with the killer rabbit from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."
lol @ "Public response to the plan has been uniform."

Kim Jong Il's approval ratings usually hover at 100% but it HAS dropped as low as 100%.
Oh I wish. I looked into it once and it was illegal in my state (WA) but people can have chimpanzees. Nuff said.

somebody in Texas was just killed *I think* the other day by a chimp. (least I think it was a chimp). Some woman had it in her home and the chimp attacked and mauled her friend. I was like, "The owner was stupid. How anyone can think they can keep a wild animal in their home is beyond me. It's like trying to keep a tiger in your backyard; sooner or later, it'll turn violent."
somebody in Texas was just killed *I think* the other day by a chimp. (least I think it was a chimp). Some woman had it in her home and the chimp attacked and mauled her friend. I was like, "The owner was stupid. How anyone can think they can keep a wild animal in their home is beyond me. It's like trying to keep a tiger in your backyard; sooner or later, it'll turn violent."

oh yeah! we stated talking about that in my dance class (how we got on that subject is beyond me) but yeah. The girl a had a chimp as a pet and they gave it medicine to calm it normally but one day this girl's friend had come over... and she like had dyed her hair and looked different so the chimp freaked out and attacked her.

It was freaky.... She didn't die but she needs to get a her face completely redone. *cringe*