North Korean Leader announces plan to bring down American flag on the moon

So, if chimps were our ancestors, then the gene that makes us go crazy at a little difference like hair color must have somehow changed.:D Humans aren't primates. But, why I are we talking about this? This thread is about that crazy North Korean leader.:p
If they did settle on the Moon, and I'm a strong advocate of the Moon being made of Provolone, or Swiss, give or take, there would be enough cheesy nachos for everyone!!!
Could we make a plan to land on the moon unobserved as it is being brought down to North Korea and HIDE the US flag before they go for it? Hahahahaha, that will really mess up their plans!!! I mean, what will they do with a huge moon with no US flag to mess with? :D
So, if chimps were our ancestors, then the gene that makes us go crazy at a little difference like hair color must have somehow changed.:D Humans aren't primates. But, why I are we talking about this? This thread is about that crazy North Korean leader.:p

I know. This got off track somehow. I mean what exactly do chimpanzees and North Korea's Kim Jong Il have to do with each other? One is an unpredictable brute who can attack without provocation and has questionable grooming habits and the other is an intelligent social being who would prefer swinging from tree limbs and eating bananas.
I have an audacious plan. Satellites with spray guns to paint the moon up as a large American flag. That would not only frustrate their plans, but it would also use up most of the spray paint, pushing the price out of the range of tag-minded hooligans and their naughty graffiti.

Come to think of it, we shouldn't try to stop the North Koreans. The shadow cast by the moon would substantially reduce global warming.
WE don't even have the technology right now to go to the moon, much less land on it, and take down our own flag.

I doubt North Korea does either. They might launch a rocket at it, but I bet it doesn't even get to the border of space.
As a matter of fact, we have the technology to go to the moon. We just don't have the equipment and funding. Technology and equipment, note, are different. Technology is knowledge of scientific and engineering principals, equipment is the machines in which those principals are demonstrated.
As a matter of fact, we have the technology to go to the moon. We just don't have the equipment and funding. Technology and equipment, note, are different. Technology is knowledge of scientific and engineering principals, equipment is the machines in which those principals are demonstrated.

Actually, no we don't.

We licensed the technology for much of the moonshot from defense contractors. Those contractors don't have that data or information anymore. It's why they're having to reinvent transport craft to get us back to the moon. We don't have the technology. It was given back to the companies when the Apollo project was canceled in favor of the STS program.

We simply do not have the technological capability in Nasa to put men on the moon at this time, or even to land a craft at the site of the flag to remove it.

It's why one of my friends who just graduated in astroengineering is getting picked up by Nasa. They need people who know how to do this type of stuff again.

All we have now are over glorified button pushers who can get people or things into orbit. All the REALLY good technology is held by third party companies, who charge heavily for it. Most of them have gone overseas and are working for Europe now.

It's not like it was in the Apollo project anymore.
We DO have the technology, actually. We routinely send landers that weigh much more than a human being to planets much further away and land them on the surface. Think Martian landers. What we DON'T have is certification. Not only must each piece of equipment used to send a human into space be tested as space worthy (certified) but the combinations of certified parts must be tested and certified.

If we had to make a desperate effort to send someone to the moon to...let's say...find a piece of alien hardware with a flashing red button on it and press that button to keep a huge armada of aliens from destroying our world...we COULD do it.

What we could NOT do is meet the current standards for astronaut safety and insurance coverage that we've come to expect in the 21st century. Spaceflight always involves risks, but there are certain unnecessary risks we try to work out of the equation first. In that regard we're close to starting over from scratch.
But John, even the martian lander crews are third-party consultants hired by JPL, and they've booked over to the ESA and the Chinese space agency under cuts. Phoenix Lander was one of the last projects funded for the JPL, and there have been massive cuts.

It's a reverse brain drain. They're going away, where they are paid more to do this type of things.

Right now, in the US, the commercial non-governmental space companies.. which usually just contract overseas with ESA people.. are FAR beyond what Nasa is.
If we have the mental capacity to become duffers with just one post in any thread here, we certainly can go to the moon... or bring the moon here. In fact why don't we try to bring the moon to the United States AT THE SAME TIME as North Koreans try to get the moon to their country?
Then we can have tug-o-war with them and see who's the man!
Actually, no we don't.

We licensed the technology for much of the moonshot from defense contractors. Those contractors don't have that data or information anymore. It's why they're having to reinvent transport craft to get us back to the moon. We don't have the technology. It was given back to the companies when the Apollo project was canceled in favor of the STS program.

We simply do not have the technological capability in Nasa to put men on the moon at this time, or even to land a craft at the site of the flag to remove it.

It's why one of my friends who just graduated in astroengineering is getting picked up by Nasa. They need people who know how to do this type of stuff again.

All we have now are over glorified button pushers who can get people or things into orbit. All the REALLY good technology is held by third party companies, who charge heavily for it. Most of them have gone overseas and are working for Europe now.

It's not like it was in the Apollo project anymore.

I pretty much refuse to believe that NASA burned all their files on how to get to the moon. I don't feel like arguing, but I flat out disagree with you.
We don't go backwards in technology.

NASA has the ability to get people to the moon, they lack the funding to do it.

On topic though, my favorite line in the video is "It will be the biggest moon-hand pedastel ever created"
I pretty much refuse to believe that NASA burned all their files on how to get to the moon. I don't feel like arguing, but I flat out disagree with you.
We don't go backwards in technology.

Actually, if you knew anything about Nasa, you'd know that they can't FIND all their files on the Apollo project. It's been suggested that they were mislabeled after the STS project came in , and that files and video was accidentally destroyed.

So yes, they DID burn most if not all of their files on Apollo. They've gone around multiple times to the TV networks to try to get as much video back.

WE don't go backwards in technology as the human race.. but we certainly do as a nation. And as a nation, the last few presidents have not had the drive to go forward in certain areas. Space was one such area.

So the professionals who DO this stuff have gone private or over to the ESA or to China's space agency.
Immediately upon capturing the Moon, the North Koreans would rename all the surface features. The Sea of Juchi, Kim Jong Il Mare, Communism Crater, and the Elvis Rille (after the one bit of Western Civilization worth salvaging by the Great Motherland).
Wait, wait - this just occurred to me:

One consequence of bringing the moon to Korea - whopping tides!

That's right, the entire Korean peninsula could be swamped!

Darn, there goes my planned vacation in Pyongyang.
They already launched their first rocket. I think it's just a matter of time before they hide the moon in one of their forests...or a mine field.