Not Got a Title Yet. It's a Fantasy though.

To avoid a hairpulling fight between sisters, I'll give LocoRoco a comment also:

>> Anna stepped down from the plinth and went and stood next to Auraya.
>> "Do you, Auraya wish to accept these robes and this guardian, or do you
>> wish to go home stripped of your powers?"
>> "I do." Auraya said defiantly, and looked up with a ferocious look in her eyes.

If I asked you, "Do you prefer orange juice or tea?" and you said "Yes," you would not be answering my question. Auraya, in the excerpt shown, was not answering the question, because the way Anna worded the question, Auraya's answer could equally mean either choice. I know, I know, the readers are supposed to assume that Auraya wants to press forward; but there can be other cases where there is less for the readers to go on, so you need to keep in mind how to make things clear for them.
But remember that in a fantasy which is not rooted in any publicly-known real history or literature, the readers have NO information but the information you give them.
Mmmmm... I need to work on that.

Chapter 5

Auraya reached her classroom early without incident. she had no idea who her classmates were. The person who she knew was the teacher. It was Anna. They had herbs and healing for a double period all morning. Auraya was good at naming the herbs and she even managed to brew a pain relieving herbal mixture, which nobody else could. Auraya was shocked. She'd done hardly any studing in the healing dicipline because she really wasn't very good at alchemy so she'd had to study more to pass alchemy. Anna was really pleased and just hoped that she'd do well in alchemy after lunch. Auraya's classmates had not been openly nasty to her but none had been friendly either. She didn't know how to approch them seeind as they talked about completly different things. But she was hoping that if the bully of them, Mirar, tried to go for the quitest of them, Billy, then she could stick up for himand they could become friends.
It would be a good idea for you to enlarge the portion you just wrote, by taking time to name and describe two or three individuals among Auraya's fellow students. Then, later, if you want to have a classmate involved in some action with Auraya, you will already have them created, ready for use. "Auraya was afraid that the enchanted smoke would escape out the window, but then Such-and-Such ran in with a magical fan which made the smoke stay in one place."