Official William Moseley

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actually i meant me! instead of you but couldnt really be bothered to change it, so lazy
HA! you shall never take England! i own it, ui just let the Queen do all the publicity work for me, much easier that way.
the fact that a blonde could be so canning......kidding i hope you're not blonde lol actually alot of my friends are blonde, i died my hair blonde once, haha bad idea!

oh man *combusts from anger and failure*
lmfo love sick puppy!^^
too late, ive been vaporised, now i can be around you all the TIME! mwhahaha
im so tired
i watched one of the most gruesome movies ever on friday night
arg!*angry dust*
let me help you*sucks Beka out of Bens head* there ya go*Beka runs off* im FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Bens face........have you heard of it?
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