Official William Moseley

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who's Bill Moseley? lol
Yeah who is he?
Haha just this other actor. He is older than Will though, I just thought it was interesting they had the same last name.
Mmmm I alwas find that interesting. We must find out lol.
Yeah but I'm glad that PC is coming out like a yr after PC. Yay we wont have to wait long and I think it is better this way before Willaim gets older and doesnt look much like a child anymore.
gosh It feels so weird him being 20!
Not a child but a 15 yr old. He is twenty now and he is going to be made to look like a 15 yr old with the help of make up but soon make up will not work, I dont think. Then again Ben Barnes is something like 25.
Who is Ben barnes?
Bill moseley, never heard of him.. what movie did he play in?

Mmm which movie did he star in?
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