Okay I'm here. Where's Mr. Tumnus?

waterhogboy said:
I used to have a baklava when I was little. Hated wearing it though - it made me look like an armed robber...
LOL! Balaclava?

I want baklava, I love that stuff! That will be a pleasant addition to tea-time. My healthy green tea, which is loaded with anti-oxidants, is almost ready ...
Mmmm, baklava sounds wonderful.
As for the spring roll issue. They are differant, but not enough for me to go into the nitty gritty details...yes, I know specific differances...No, I'm not nerdy...
waterhogboy said:
I used to have a baklava when I was little. Hated wearing it though - it made me look like an armed robber...

why would you wear baklava? you know it's a honey nut pastry right WHB?
Um, what exactly is involved in a tea?
(sorry, I guess being stuck on the wrong side of the pond would have a bit to do with it)

VERY GOOD MR T for the S.P.E.W
I will happily join when you start that forum up
To make a proper cup of tea. One puts water into a kettle on a stove to boil. When it whistles you know its ready. Then, you pour this into a teapot with some tealeaves at the bottom. You leave it to brew for a number of minutes judging by the liquids consistency as to whether its ready or not. Then you get your cup and saucer and pour a little milk into the bottom and place a tea strainer over the top of the cup. When the tea in the teapot has reached the desired strength, you pour into the tea strainer (to catch any unwanted tea leaves) whilst the liquid is filtered through. Remove the strainer, then add sugar if desired to taste. Other additions can include honey or anything really!!

There you go! :)
this is only my second time looking at this thread and it's freaking me out. so I think i'll just slowly step away. *runs into another thread*
Heresy! I am a firm beliver (sp?) in putting the milk in afterwards!!! (Isn't it the nurse-maids that put the milk in first? ...sorry, I read ettiquit (sp?) books for entertainment :D)
No, chemically its best to put it in first. Its something like if you add it afterwards the molecules in the milk are ripped apart by the heat of touching the water, but if you add the water after it isn't as severe, so it retains more flavour. Honestly, theyve done experiments!!
'they' possibly have a little too much time on their hands..says she who's just been looking up 1980's fashion on t'net. How about the use of tea-bags, where do we stand on that one?
Well of course, I use teabags, I'm not gonna sit around with tea strainers!?!?! But of course thats how you make a PROPER cup of tea - (not that Ive ever had one).

Oh btw, i think 'they' were the same ones that spent millions researching the best way to get tomato ketchup out of a bottle.
waterhogboy said:
Oh btw, i think 'they' were the same ones that spent millions researching the best way to get tomato ketchup out of a bottle.

I nkow how to do that, first of all shake it upside down towards your chips, snorkers etc (must be a glass bottle of course) and then shake some more even though nothing's coming out you give a final violent arm movement and break the plate beneath, then as you raise ity above you face just to check it's moving you get a river of sauce all over your face and lok like you lost a fight with a bear. who needs a degree hey!