In a living room, not so far away...
<Koma Risto sits on the couch of her family's living room, having a very Smeagol-like conversation. Her Talk-type thingy is on and records every moment.>
Bad side- Even a Jedi can go bad! Do not dare to oppose us, for we are the Sith. Muwahahaha....
Good (aka, reasonable) side-wait a sec... we? there's no one else.
Bad Side- Then we clone ourselves!
Good- That'll take too long. Besides, didn't the Jedi kill Jango Fett?
Bad- Then we get on TDL and find all the Evil Force...um, persons and gather together to form the order of the Sith.
Good- I gotta bad feeling about this.
Bad- Go back to your Jedi thread!
Good- You know, I think you're right. I'm takin' you with me!
Bad- Be quiet!
<By some odd force of nature, the evil side of Koma presses the 'Post' button, and so originates this thread.>
Good side- I thinK I'm gonna go pick up some power converters.....
<Koma Risto sits on the couch of her family's living room, having a very Smeagol-like conversation. Her Talk-type thingy is on and records every moment.>
Bad side- Even a Jedi can go bad! Do not dare to oppose us, for we are the Sith. Muwahahaha....
Good (aka, reasonable) side-wait a sec... we? there's no one else.
Bad Side- Then we clone ourselves!
Good- That'll take too long. Besides, didn't the Jedi kill Jango Fett?
Bad- Then we get on TDL and find all the Evil Force...um, persons and gather together to form the order of the Sith.
Good- I gotta bad feeling about this.
Bad- Go back to your Jedi thread!
Good- You know, I think you're right. I'm takin' you with me!
Bad- Be quiet!
<By some odd force of nature, the evil side of Koma presses the 'Post' button, and so originates this thread.>
Good side- I thinK I'm gonna go pick up some power converters.....