Today as I was chatting with jesus about the way he continues to reveal things to me the deeper I come into his love, it seemed he began to lead me to think about being able to see what others can’t see -- yesterday or the day before it was that analogy of the beautiful tree-lined walk in spring and the cool fresh breeze blowing ... once I thought it represented my life hidden with Christ and if I could only focus in on him throughout the day, I would get access to it again; but he showed me that where he is, that’s my spring meadow, so I don’t have to access it, I am always in it because I am always with him, now I see this clearly.
One of the sad things that happened at the fall of man, he seemed to be telling me, is that adam and even didn’t want to be seen anymore; they didn’t want him to see them in their fallen and unattractive state. In consequence of their not wanting him, or anyone else, to see them as they really are ... they also developed a problem in seeing things as they really are!
They could still see beauty and goodness, like a sun rise or the splendor of the night sky, but the connection to creator that once informed that goodness was lost, so they could no longer see the world around them in the fullness they had once seen it. And their children of course, never could see it the way god had intended for them to see ... and all desired to hide parts of themselves from him and from others -- as they desired not to be seen, nor could they rightly see. They could see in a mirror, dimly.
But when you come deep enough into the love of Christ, you allow him to see you as you are; you give up pretense. You want him to see you in your fallenness, and you desire to be healed, you let yourself be seen. By him first, but then by others -- your true nature as his beloved shines through, and you no longer need pretense between yourself and him, or yourself and others. You let yourself be seen --
And your ability to see is restored as well. You can see things as they are, like psyche in “til we have faces,” like me with my “hidden” life in Christ. Now I see the world as it is, as he intended, because I can also let myself be seen. Now I know just as I also am known. ☺