`{@} Caryss {@}' and
.o Gwynllian
Caryss's path takes her into the kitchen, where she is soon enfolded in the matronly arms of the keep's old but far from feeble cook.
"Miss Caryss! We had no word you'd be coming today."
Caryss smiles thinly as she returns the hug. "I am here for the wedding, Ekaterine, and it is good to see you. May I help you with those pies? I need..." she lets out a soft sigh. "I need some time out of my head."
Punching the dough, rolling it out, and forming it into the pie shells which wiill soon be filled with Ekaterine's sweet fillings occupies Caryss's mind as well as her head, and she emerges, dusted with flour but looking slightly more peaceful, some time later.
Gwynllian allows an expression to cross her face which on anyone else would surely be a smirk.
"You don't fool me, girl. You may have that father of yours thinking that you're polite and demure, but the two of us know differently, don't we, my dear. There's fire there."
With this, she turns and begins to sweep from the chamber, poised and cool.
Another servant, little more than a boy, with all the gawky awkwardness of adolescence, approaches Torin, drawn by the sound of the man's playing.
He shifts his hat from one hand to the other, clearly nervous, and he coughs once, clearing his throat.

Caryss's path takes her into the kitchen, where she is soon enfolded in the matronly arms of the keep's old but far from feeble cook.
"Miss Caryss! We had no word you'd be coming today."
Caryss smiles thinly as she returns the hug. "I am here for the wedding, Ekaterine, and it is good to see you. May I help you with those pies? I need..." she lets out a soft sigh. "I need some time out of my head."
Punching the dough, rolling it out, and forming it into the pie shells which wiill soon be filled with Ekaterine's sweet fillings occupies Caryss's mind as well as her head, and she emerges, dusted with flour but looking slightly more peaceful, some time later.
Gwynllian allows an expression to cross her face which on anyone else would surely be a smirk.
"You don't fool me, girl. You may have that father of yours thinking that you're polite and demure, but the two of us know differently, don't we, my dear. There's fire there."
With this, she turns and begins to sweep from the chamber, poised and cool.
Another servant, little more than a boy, with all the gawky awkwardness of adolescence, approaches Torin, drawn by the sound of the man's playing.
He shifts his hat from one hand to the other, clearly nervous, and he coughs once, clearing his throat.