Person Below Me V

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Yuckkkeeeee Hannah Montana is gross.

TPBM want's to see High School Musical 3 (they're still making them! AND this one is going to theaters!!:eek:)

Yes, to make fun of it. They're going to be making those when I'm like 80 and all the stars are old and still make them in High School......

tpbm likes Stardust
Yes! I loved that movie! I actually saw it three times in theatres.

TPBM believes the theory that Jadis and the Lady of the Green Kirtle are the same person.
No, my theory is that there is no theory. SC was written before, so Jadis' history was most likely not planned out or completed.

TPBM likes the theory I gave. :p
I suppose. I never thought it likely that they were the same person. actually I never thought of it at all

tpbm likes to pretend to cast movies
HHmm... Never tried it. Perhaps I will.

tpbm likes to beleive that the Pevensies were real people, and the story of Narnia was passed down in C.S. Lewis's family, and still today occasionally people find their way there.
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