Very much so, yes. I enjoy trying to figure out how mystery novels/shows/films end, although usually the internet spoils it for me.
TPBM both enjoys and hates reading spoilers. (I'm very impatient and I like knowing spoilers so I can understand stories, but at the same time I'm really disgusted that I like reading spoilers, 'cause then I can't enjoy the surprise later on. )
TPBM likes chocolate mousse. (I'm not the biggest fan, but my family celebrated my birthday today as I'm gonna be gone tomorrow, so my mom got me a chocolate mousse cake. It was pretty good! Very rich, but good.)
Not overly fond of it. Too much sap and too many things hiding in the branches, waiting to pounce on my head and lay eggs in my hair. (I'm looking at you, spiders. *Glares at spiders*)