

Eric: Hobbits, stay behind me for a while
Merry: Why?
Eric *steops into a small hole*: OUCH! That's why!
As they continue to walk Eric keeps on stepping into holes and he gets a bit angry.
Nessa, Pippin and Merry start to laugh a bit. Eric lies on the floor and glares at them. Eric looks at Nessa a bit angry.
Me: I'm so sorry Eric
Nessa, Pippin and Merry burst into laughing. Eric looks annoyed.
Eric: Hey! Don't you laugh!
Merry: And the big hockeyplayer was on his way to score a goal when the ice turned against him and made him turn into the puck. Now the puck lies in the net
All three laughed after Merry said this except for Eric. He gets up angry.
Me: Are you alright love?
Eric: Leave me alone! You laughed at me!
Merry: Oh oh....Nessa he is angry with you. You are no longer his love. You must find a new boyfriend
Pippin: Me!
Merry: Why you? She could choose me!
Pippin: Well, I'm the youngest
Merry: What does that suppose to mean?
Pippin: I live a couple of years longer than you
Merry and Pippin laugh. Nessa walks to Eric who still seem to be mad.
Me: Eric? Are you okay honey?
Eric: Leave me alone!
me: Alright then. I'm sorry but it was so funny I....
Merry: Ouch!!!
Me: What happened?
Merry: I felt into a hole as well
Me: Oww...are you alright?
Merry: Are you alright honey? Why don't you say honey to me too?
Nessa helps Merry on his feet while Eric continues walking.
Me: Eric! For goodness sake! wait!
Eric: You should not talk so much but walk on
Me: Wait a minute mister! We can't help it you stepped into these holes. It isn't our fault and besides that the hobbits can't walk as fast as you do.
Nessa is now feeling a bit angry.
Me: Merry are you okay? Come in! Follow me! Pippin come on as well.
Merry looks at Pippin and smiles a bit.
Merry: Whoohoo! The lady is mad at her boyfriend!
Pippin: Is this how couples fight?
Merry: I guess so...we just witnessed our couples first fight
Merry and Pippin laugh loudly and walk on.
This time Nessa steps into a hole and falls.
Me: Ouch!
Merry *whispers*: Pippin...you better get out of the way
Pippin *surprised* : Why?
Merry: Because now you will witness the worried boyfriend
Eric: Nessa! What happened? What happened?!
Eric rushes towards Nessa and Pippin quickly stepped out of the way.
Merry: Didn't I tell you?
Pippin: You were right! You seem to know a lot! But how do you know all this?
Merry: Just observe people Pip and you will learn soon enough
Merry and Pippin start to laugh again