Mrs Gil-Galad Took
New member
Ooc: I will post an update Joe. I had to leave early because of work but now I will post again 
While Emmett and Jake are both asleep the Snow Queen comes forward. She carefully tries to figure out if they are really sleeping or if they are faking it. She has seen the battle the two brothers had and she just knows they aren't the two easiest men to capture. The Snow Queen slowly walks forward and she rises her spear and says a couple of words. Suddenly the cloud turns heavily dark and snow comes out of the sky. It isn't an ordinary snowfall but more a blizzard which grows bigger and bigger. Her sleigh arrives and The Snow Queen demands her servants to pick up the two men and to put them in the back of her sleigh. Before she flies off the Queen makes the two men sleep more deeply. Then she gets into her sleigh and within a few seconds the sleigh with it's new passengers vanishes.
Her laugh is heard through the skies and everybody nearby looks up but nobody seems to know where this laugh comes from.
At the gardens the Queen of Hearts looks more lazy than usual. She is tired of waiting and decides to go to bed. The King is getting impatient as well but he rather stays waiting at the gate than going back inside the Castle again.
Hatter: This is most unusual
Rabbit: I agree with you
Hatter: The King never shows his fat face often. He always stays inside because he is too lazy to walk
Rabbit: Something must be going on because he is waiting on someone or something
Then suddenly out of nowhere a sleigh appears at the gate. The King looks up as The Snow Queen gets off the sleigh
SQ: You have attacked the two strange men as I told you to do so. They didn;t make it easy and for that you have failed
King: But they were tough! From what I've heard they showed a lot of resistence
SQ: You should have sent more men to catch them but your men fled cowardly like they were children
King: But imagine getting a bullet through your body will not only kill you but also those behind you. We are just cards you know
SQ: Hmmmmm........for this time I will ask no further questions but the next time you are warned. Now to show you I'm keeping my word I will give you the victory over the Lands of Clubs, Aces and Diamonds. The Diamonds are easily corrupted but the Aces are more tough. When your men enter the land of Diamonds you will find them asleep. Take them all and claim your victory. It will happen at all lands but you have to enter one land first before the other land falls asleep. You have to take over one by one
King: But why not all the same time?
SQ: You didn't make it easy for me so I won't make it easy for you. Now go and claim your victory over the land of Diamonds. My suggestion to you is to kill those cards of the land of Aces. They will be your worst enemy
With these words the Snow Queen enters her sleigh again and flies off laughing very loud
Rabbit: Hatter...did you see that?
Hatter: Who is she?
Rabbit: I don't know
Card soldier: She's the Snow Queen
The Hatter and Rabbit look around and see one young card soldier standing behind them. He bleeds heavily
Hatter: OMG! You are wounded!
Rabbit: What happened?
The Card soldier tells them everything. The Hatter and Rabbit take him to the others and tell them what they've heard.
Me: He is still young
Rabbit: Yes, he is one of our newest and youngest card soldiers. He has been sent to war without knowing what would happen.
Eric: But what are we gonna do next? Are we going to follow the Snow Quen and try to save the brothers?
Hatter: I have a feeling the Queen is making a huge misstake by capturing those two
Rabbit: We also have the other lands to warn about the upcoming threath
Hatter: If they are going to enter the land of Diamonds first and find them asleep and claim victory we must make sure we arrive at the land of Clubs before this evil spell is catching them
Eric: So this means when the King enters the land of Diamonds and claims victory the next land is going to fall asleep?
Hatter: That's right. This means we must reach the Land of Clubs before the King arrives at the Land of Diamonds
Me: But the Aces are their worst enemy. Maybe we should catch up with the Aces first. They could be valuable allies

While Emmett and Jake are both asleep the Snow Queen comes forward. She carefully tries to figure out if they are really sleeping or if they are faking it. She has seen the battle the two brothers had and she just knows they aren't the two easiest men to capture. The Snow Queen slowly walks forward and she rises her spear and says a couple of words. Suddenly the cloud turns heavily dark and snow comes out of the sky. It isn't an ordinary snowfall but more a blizzard which grows bigger and bigger. Her sleigh arrives and The Snow Queen demands her servants to pick up the two men and to put them in the back of her sleigh. Before she flies off the Queen makes the two men sleep more deeply. Then she gets into her sleigh and within a few seconds the sleigh with it's new passengers vanishes.
Her laugh is heard through the skies and everybody nearby looks up but nobody seems to know where this laugh comes from.
At the gardens the Queen of Hearts looks more lazy than usual. She is tired of waiting and decides to go to bed. The King is getting impatient as well but he rather stays waiting at the gate than going back inside the Castle again.
Hatter: This is most unusual
Rabbit: I agree with you
Hatter: The King never shows his fat face often. He always stays inside because he is too lazy to walk
Rabbit: Something must be going on because he is waiting on someone or something
Then suddenly out of nowhere a sleigh appears at the gate. The King looks up as The Snow Queen gets off the sleigh
SQ: You have attacked the two strange men as I told you to do so. They didn;t make it easy and for that you have failed
King: But they were tough! From what I've heard they showed a lot of resistence
SQ: You should have sent more men to catch them but your men fled cowardly like they were children
King: But imagine getting a bullet through your body will not only kill you but also those behind you. We are just cards you know
SQ: Hmmmmm........for this time I will ask no further questions but the next time you are warned. Now to show you I'm keeping my word I will give you the victory over the Lands of Clubs, Aces and Diamonds. The Diamonds are easily corrupted but the Aces are more tough. When your men enter the land of Diamonds you will find them asleep. Take them all and claim your victory. It will happen at all lands but you have to enter one land first before the other land falls asleep. You have to take over one by one
King: But why not all the same time?
SQ: You didn't make it easy for me so I won't make it easy for you. Now go and claim your victory over the land of Diamonds. My suggestion to you is to kill those cards of the land of Aces. They will be your worst enemy
With these words the Snow Queen enters her sleigh again and flies off laughing very loud
Rabbit: Hatter...did you see that?
Hatter: Who is she?
Rabbit: I don't know
Card soldier: She's the Snow Queen
The Hatter and Rabbit look around and see one young card soldier standing behind them. He bleeds heavily
Hatter: OMG! You are wounded!
Rabbit: What happened?
The Card soldier tells them everything. The Hatter and Rabbit take him to the others and tell them what they've heard.
Me: He is still young
Rabbit: Yes, he is one of our newest and youngest card soldiers. He has been sent to war without knowing what would happen.
Eric: But what are we gonna do next? Are we going to follow the Snow Quen and try to save the brothers?
Hatter: I have a feeling the Queen is making a huge misstake by capturing those two
Rabbit: We also have the other lands to warn about the upcoming threath
Hatter: If they are going to enter the land of Diamonds first and find them asleep and claim victory we must make sure we arrive at the land of Clubs before this evil spell is catching them
Eric: So this means when the King enters the land of Diamonds and claims victory the next land is going to fall asleep?
Hatter: That's right. This means we must reach the Land of Clubs before the King arrives at the Land of Diamonds
Me: But the Aces are their worst enemy. Maybe we should catch up with the Aces first. They could be valuable allies