PotC 4?

Would you see any subsequent PotC films without Will and Elizabeth?

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I loved the first movie, though the second and third were quite a disappointment. The story did not work out right. Still, I'm willing to give them yet another chance. Jack's too good of a character. ;)
I never cared for Liz much after what happened in the second movie. And no offense, but I never cared for Will either. So I don't really mind them not coming back.

Before they decided to make a fourth - right after I saw the third - I was very angry that Jack didn't stab the heart, and that Will was about to die and blah blah, and now I think they did that purposefully because they knew that Keira wouldn't come back, and I HATE the whole "one lover is dead" thing and the other is all mourning and stuff, I dislike that GREATLY. So in a way it's kind of a good thing...and goodness I'm rambling! Anyway, I think that they were planning all along to do more than three and that Keira wouldn't come back so they cut the whole Will/Elizabeth thing.

If that makes sense... :p

Actually, while watching the movies, I was real worried that Jack would actually stab the heart. Happily, it ended up being Will. :rolleyes:

We all know Jack. He wants to be free. (Whatever "free" means.) He wants to sale the seas to eternity. But imagine him stabbing the heart, two possibilities:
1) Sailing the souls to wherever they belong and being a good boy. Somehow, I don't think Jack would like that.
2) Ending up as Davy Jones Jr. I don't think he'd like that either. Well, maybe he will, but I wouldn't.

So, let's be thankful Jack did not stab the heart.
i thought the 1st and the 2nd one were COOLY DOOLY! :D
but the third one...i couldn't really find the story~ i knew that they had to get jack... but afterwards :confused:
Knowing Disney, they would find a way to turn Will into some rebel who doesn't want to ferry the souls, so they would make him somehow have a part in the movie.
Knowing Disney, they would find a way to turn Will into some rebel who doesn't want to ferry the souls, so they would make him somehow have a part in the movie.
Nah, I think you're goin' a bit far with the PC bits, there. ;)

Pirates of the Caribbean 4 is announced, and will be made. I don't know about Will or Elizabeth returning, but it is most definately unlikely (according to Bruckheimer and Verbinsky).

However, I do respect the writers (Elliot and Rossio), and I respect their decisions on Will Turner and Elizabeth. They invented the stories, the characters, everything. Just like Dickens chose for Scrooge to become good-hearted, and Shakespeare decided for Romeo and Juliet to both die, so the writers of the "Pirates" series decided to direct the story to its course that it runs.

I hated the sequels as well, but I watched them again a few more times, understood them, and came to love them. I think you guys who stand here bashing the movies are forgetting that the same writers who brought you "The Curse of the Black Pearl," which most of you loved, are the ones who thought up the sequels, not some group of bellowing producers in a smoke-filled room wondering how to make more money. Give the movies another chance. I did. :)
my reasoning isn't in the poll.

"NO! Because their shouldn't even BE a fourth one!!!!!!!"


*hyperventilates* *gasp* *gasp* *sigh* 'kay I'm good now.
Personally I enjoyed the third one, seeing Juan Ponce De Leons name was great, especially after doing a 5 page report on him in 5th grade.
He was in search of the fountian of youth himself back in the 1400s. And I saw the forth movie coming once I noticed that they put the fountian of youth on the map. Yet I DO NOT BELIVE THAT THEY SHOULD MAKE A FOUTH ONE.
I'd be fine if they left it here too... But I'm also wondering what new stuff Rossio and Elliot are going to haul in for the fourth. :rolleyes:
If they were going to cut it off, they shouldn't have had Jack with the map going to the fountain. It would be like one of the worst cliffhangers ever. That's why I'm glad they are continuing it as of right now.
If they were going to cut it off, they shouldn't have had Jack with the map going to the fountain. It would be like one of the worst cliffhangers ever. That's why I'm glad they are continuing it as of right now.

I had figured that, y'know, the map just sorta meant that Jack's still gonna do more pirate stuff. Which I thought ended it nicely. If they hadn't done something like that and ended it there I wouldn't have been very happy.

Besides, the whole entire subplot for ALL THREE FILMS was Will and Elizabeth. Now that they're married and they did the whole 10 years later thing at the end. I don't see how they can continue it well. I don't think they should continue it.