Cia heard the thump of her father's walk and the children scampered to the shadows.
"I request permission to leave, Cap'n." Cia stated.
"Why do ye want to leave, my love?" Davy replied.
"To find souls to serve aboard the Dutchman."
"Permission granted."
Cia had started on her way and came upon another ship. As she came closer she heard a girl shout for Jack to strike back. She climbed aboard the ship and blocked the girl's attack.
"Shall we discuss this without our swords, young pirate? If ye fight yer captain, that be mutiny."
"ye, i know that. but jack is such a stuck-up show-off!!!!!! so can ye blame me?" Serena snapped right in her face. "I don't like people talking to people like that. ther not nice and, plainly, out of order. any way, if i mutiny, we'll get a much better captain."
"And who will Captain this great vessel? Not ye of course, too much temper and too little experience. Ye best leave the leading to those who know what they be doin', child." Cia lowered her sword. "Jack is a good Captain."
"Be silent, child." Cia whispered gently. Then she spoke to the one dueling. "He treats them as adults because they need to learn things quicker in order to survive. Put yer sword away."
"Fine" Serena said with a scowl. she slipped the decorative sword back into it's scabbard. "Cap'n, i am sorry for regardin ye like this. a pirate ship is an unusal place for me too be. Is ye foot alright?"
"I guess that makes sense........ in an odd sort of way....." Serena said to her self more then anyone else. she then slipped into the shadows to listen to the conversation with out anyone knowing she was there.